10 years ago, my son Shane handed me (t)HIS jar and then my son Jack (with his hand out) said, “dad! spare knowledge?”
On August 30, 2017
I said, “Jack! do you remember saying, “dad! spare knowledge?”
I said, “Jack! take a picture of (t)HIS jar and then send it to me.”
Jack said, “why?”
Q: who bought me (t)HIS jar?
A: my wife
Q: why?
A: for(e!) “Happy Father’s Day 2012!”
Q: WHO came up with “dad! spare knowledge?”
A: G-D through Jack
6 years ago I fed Livefyre G-D’S Mail:
Timothy Golden • 6 years ago Sunday, November 1, 2015 7:11 PM
Q: bro(t)her! if G-D was to borrow your car
(“that skin!” you (wee spirit) are in) for ‘just’ one day
where do you think G-D would go?
what do you think G-D would ‘do
(and get done’ with it)?
A: bro(t)her! now (nunc) ‘go and do’ THAT (something
for G-D!)
Timothy Golden • 6 years ago Sunday, November 1, 2015 7:10 PM
bro(t)her! if G-D was to invest with you (and in you) HIS Words
would you invest HIS Words wisely
[1) by(e) you giving HIS Words away to(o) others
for free (ho ho ho) and
2) by(e) you righting wrongs]
and return to HIM a prophet
would you do-nothing with HIS Words
and return to HIM a chump (change!)
Dear Livefyre,
Q1: where’s G-D’S Mail?
Q2: why did y’all throw out G-D’S Mail (as if T rash?)?
Q3: where would we (man + woman) be (Today)
if Moses had thrown out G-D’S Mail (Then)?