37 min readOct 26, 2018

55) What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy? Don’t vote for Clowns AND Make the 28th Amendment law: Extreme Vetting For All Candidates: ACE a competitive exam + IQ of 130 + POLYGRAPH + Ethics + PSYCHOLOGICAL + Be pro-girl power +


1) join a political party [the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are CULTS]?

2) vote [for presidential candidates who do not ‘take and pass’ any Tests]?

3) write to newspapers (old media) and (new media) Medium and Google+ and Twitter and Medium and https://disqus.com/by/timothy_golden/


Uncle Sham [pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS] should be ashamed of Chinese Exclusion Act
Uncle Sham [pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS] should be ashamed of EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)


Q: why is Uncle Sham (the U.S. federal government) white?


Q: is Uncle Sham pro-girl power or anti-girl power?



“If we don’t deliver then the US EEOC is just a shell and a sham’’ — EEOC chairman Clarence Thomas




Dear NY FBI,
Q: did EEOC chairman Clarence Thomas ever rectify Ms. Bruner’s demotion?




TimboGolden Jan 1, 2016


Tim Goldena year ago

EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

Tim Goldena year ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress + EEOC] pro-woman?
A: nyet!
Fact1: if y’all were pro-woman then y’all would investigate every woman’s complainT
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
Fact2: if y’all were pro-woman then y’all would play a modern day Robin Hood =
1) take $9.99 billion from the rich [Pentagon budget]
2) give $9.99 billion to the poor [EEOC + EPA + EBSA + OSHA budgets]
3) hire Bill (not Clinton not Cosby) Bratton to be EEOC chair
4) let him hire 5000 qualified (ethical + competent) investigators
5) let G-D watch workplace discrimination become a thing (sin) of the past
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact1: I said to one of my daughters, “Lily! women are not pro-woman
unless she desires to ‘see’ every woman’s complainT investigated
“in good faith” = in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
Fact2: my daughter Lily said, “dad! you’re like the ultimate feminisT

Tim Goldena year ago

Q: In law, FRAUD is _____________?
A: deliberate deception
to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a vicTim of a legal right.








Q: How do you express laughter?
A: EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T


Q: if HE [God’s TOP COP] came to earth to play [not golf!
the discrimination complainanT]


where do y’all think HE would go? what do y’all think HE would do?
EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: 50 million more Americans are working in 2016 than in 1982
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC receives 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t investigate “in good faith”
100,000 discrimination complainTs/yr
Q: how many EEOC investigators would it take to (not screw
in a light bulb) investigate in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
100,000 discrimination complainTs/yr?
A: 50 states * 100 investigators/state = 5000 EEOC investigators (duh!)
Trust but Verify

page 30 Chart 2 666 EEOC investigators assigned


U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: the Obama years (2009–2016) kept finding the money to employ
21,444 Border Patrol agents
Q: the Obama years (2009–2016) couldn’t find the money to employ
more than 666 EEOC investigators?
in other words


page 30 Chart 2 666 EEOC investigators assigned

Q: why are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] so ethically challenged?
A: k no! w God

Year: FY2015
# of EEOC complaints: 89,385
No Reasonable Cause: 60,440
Reasonable Cause: 3,239



The cause finding rate is down,
which is compatible with the dumping of cases.
Without careful review of the cases,
we cannot make a finding of discrimination.
— Gabriel le Martin, Council President
February 2004
Trust but Verify
As we all know, the goal is to meet the numbers.
Cases are closed even though questions remain
whether there was discrimination.
If it is the end of the quarter, or the end of the fiscal year,
EEOC offices dump cases.

There is no other way to describe what happens
— Gabriel le Martin, Council President
February 2004
Trust but Verify

Q: In law, FRAUD is _____________?
A: deliberate deception
to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a vicTim of a legal right.

Q: while Rome (EEOC) burns, Democratic Presidents Clinton and Obama golf?
A: да!


DoJustice! are U.S. presidents civil rights champs or chumps?


500,000 taxpayers received ‘no reasonable cause’ letters from EEOC (under Democratic President and Harvard graduate? Obama)

400,000 taxpayers received ‘no reasonable cause’ letters from EEOC (under Republican President and Yale graduate? Bush)


70,000 complaints of workplace discrimination (like T imGolden’s) had not been investigated — Senator Alexander, May 19, 2015


Fact: Section 2000e-5(b) charges the EEOC with
a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate.

1) NY EEOC did not investigate my many complainTs

2) NY EEOC did not amend my original complainT

3) NY EEOC did not interview me or my (my my) wiTnesses


Howard M Wexler (Verizon’s attorney) works for Seyfarth Shaw
Victoria A. Lipnic (Acting EEOC Chair) worked for Seyfarth Shaw




EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T im)


Tim: The thief! It’s the thief! Stop thief! Stop thief!

in other words

Fact: I gave NY EEOC (500 pages!) 10 faxes + 7 overnight deliveries




Fact: I gave NY EEOC (2 Times!) my Degree and my Next Step Certificate which qualifies me to do different jobs (inside and outside) at Verizon


Fact: I filed a written complaint with EEOC Director, Office of Field Management on 7/10/2015; EEOC Director never wrote ‘me back’


Fact: I filed 3 written complaints with EEOC OIG to investigate NY EEOC and EEOC Director, Office of Field Management; EEOC OIG never wrote ‘me back’



Fact: NY EEOC gave me [HE HE HE] a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter

Q: (since 1965) why has EEOC sent 1,000,000 women (Celestial sisters) Taxpayers! ‘no reasonable cause’ letters?

A: k no! w God


In 1974, Nixon left Office with 2416 EEOC employees
In 2017, Obama left Office with 2082 EEOC employees (duh!)










our husbands did what? they under-funded and under-staffed EEOC for(e!) 50 years





I filed 3 written complaints with EEOC OIG; EEOC OIG has …

I filed 3 written complaints with EEOC OIG; … Fact: section 2000e-5(b) charges EEOC with a”mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate.


I filed a written complaint with EEOC Director, OFM on 7/10/2015

Fact: section 2000e-5(b) charges EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate.section 2000e-5(b) … I filed a written complaint with EEOC …


Hypnotic replied to your comment Dorothy Meets The Cowardly …

Fact: Section 2000e-5(b) charges the EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty toinvestigate. (google it! vs bing it! ) Fact2: On 3/28/2013 NYS WCALJudge …


VA scandal vs EEOC case dumping scandal — Medium

… make an investigation.” 42 u.s.c. § 2000e-5(b). … section 2000e-5(b) charges the NY EEOC witha “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate. …


U.S. Department of Justice, Q: will Verizon engage me and my …

U.S. Department of Justice, Q: will Verizon engage me and my doctor … Fact: Section 2000e-5(b) charges the EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to …


Tracking Number: EK745511241US — TimGolden — Medium

U.S. Department of Justice, section 2000e-5(b) charges the NY EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate. U.S. Department of Justice, Congress …


VA scandal vs EEOC scandal — TimGolden — Medium

VA scandal vs EEOC scandal. … section 2000e-5(b) charges the NY EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate. …


U.S. Department of Justice, Fact: on November 2, 2009 a teeny …

U.S. Department of Justice, Fact: on November 2, 2009 a teeny tiny bolt broke Q: what happened next? A: Timothy J Golden MARCH 18, 2013 I work for Verizon 23 years …


U.S. Department of Justice, Fact: on November 2, 2009 a teeny …

Since 2011 MetLife has closed out my disability case 5 times. Since 2011 MetLife has only requested my doctor’s notes (Dr. Lippe’s notes)


IME Moriarty wrote in his IME report about me [HE HE HE]: 1 …

… , remember what orthopedic IME Moriarty wrote in his IME … section 2000e-5(b) charges the NY EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate.


signed by E. — TimGolden — Medium

If you believe that the EEOC did not properly investigate your charge, … section 2000e-5(b) charges the NY EEOC with a “mandatory and unqualified” duty to investigate.


No more results. Try:

Fact: Section 2000e-5(b) charges the EEOC with a mandatory and unqualified duty to investigate. site:medium.com


TimboGolden Aug 31, 2017








EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: 50 million more Americans are working in 2016 than in 1982
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC receives 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t investigate “in good faith”
100,000 discrimination complainTs/yr
Q: how many EEOC investigators would it take to (not screw
in a light bulb) investigate in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner
100,000 discrimination complainTs/yr?
A: 50 states * 100 investigators/state = 5000 EEOC investigators (duh!)
Trust but Verify



page 30 Chart 2 666 EEOC investigators assigned

Mrs. Obama + JESUS =
So I thought it would be important to remind these young women
(Daughters of God) how valuable and precious they are.
I wanted them to understand that the measure of any society is
how it treats its women (vicTims of workplace discrimination) and girls (born + unborn)
Q. How would you address discrimination in employment?
A. I (senator Obama) will start by strengthening the EEOC.
The Commission has lacked resources and staff.
I (senator Obama) will fully fund and increase staffing for the EEOC
Trust but Verify


U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: the Obama years (2009–2016) kept finding the money to employ
21,444 Border Patrol agents
Q: the Obama years (2009–2016) couldn’t find the money to employ
more than 666 EEOC investigators?
in other words
page 30 Chart 2 666 EEOC investigators assigned
Q: why are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] so ethically challenged?
A: k no! w God

Q: In law, FRAUD is ___________________?
A: deliberate deception
to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a vicTim of a legal right.
Year: FY2015
# of EEOC complaints: 89,385
No Reasonable Cause: 60,440
Reasonable Cause: 3,239



As we all know, the goal is to meet the numbers.
Cases are closed even though questions remain
whether there was discrimination.
If it is the end of the quarter, or the end of the fiscal year,
EEOC offices dump cases.

There is no other way to describe what happens
— Gabriel le Martin, Council President
February 2004
Trust but Verify
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government were created
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?
Q2: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?









“Cease to do evil — learn to do well” is cut in deep letters on the front of the Richmond Penitentiary, South Circular Road, Dublin












sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]



JESUS can spot Neanderthals (EEOC case dumping scandal 1965 — T imGolden) from a mile away

the legislative Assembly of New York decided that no Jew could vote

Timothy Golden Dec 29, 2014

bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!


Timothy Golden Jan 16, 2015

bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!



did New York Governor Teddy Roosevelt tell Susan B. Anthony that woman suffrage was “not that important” (in 1898) ?


States granting women the right to vote prior to the 19th Amendment:

Wyoming 1890
Colorado 1893
Utah 1896
Idaho 1896
Washington 1910
California 1911
Arizona 1912
Kansas 1912
Oregon 1912
Montana 1914
Nevada 1914
Q: what year did men in New York grant women (the ones who gave birth to them) the right to vote?

A: New York 1917 (duh!)




did New York Governor Teddy Roosevelt tell Susan B. Anthony that woman suffrage was “not that important” (in 1898) ?

A: I couldn’t find anywhere on God’s web
New York Governor Teddy Roosevelt telling Susan B. Anthony that
woman suffrage was “not that important” (in 1898)
but New York State’s silence! until 1917 is Telling


Let’s give all (presidential and congressional) candidates many Tests (ho ho ho)


Q: where does JESUS go to exorcise? A: earth!

Viagra has risen (right under your noses) by(e bye) 666%





shame! shame! shame! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]


TIMOTHY J GOLDEN February 8, 2017 4:4PM

U.S. Department of Justice,

Fact: I am 50 (five o)

Q: is 50 (five o) really too old to be a cop?

A: nyet!


since Obama, gun stocks have risen 666%




I Told you

Timothy Golden10 months ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told you,
“if y’all want to save lots and lots of lives and money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
2) start pulling (the data from) all vehicles’ black boxes when
accidents happen
3) set speed-limiters (in all cars) to 75 mph
4) add breathalyzers to all (new + old) vehicles”
ho ho ho HE HE HE Marry CHRISTmas 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: since 2009, there have been 40 million motor vehicle crashes
Fact: since 2009, there have been 250,000 motor vehicle deaths
Fact: since 2009, there have been 8 million drivers charged with DWI
Q: since 2009, what have y’all done to deter death and destruction?


“install breathalyzers!” before, “it’s too late!”


Tim Golden10 months ago (October 16, 2016 2:02 PM)

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago),
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters in all (new + old) motor vehicles to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all (new + old) motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen
4(e!) install breathalyzers! in all (new + old) motor vehicles”


install breathalyzers in all (new + old) motor vehiclesDec 5th, 2016 @ 6:02am

on MADD Chalks Up Victory On In-Car Breathalyzers

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told Geico,
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots and lots of money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters (in all cars) to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen
4(e!) install breathalyzers in all (new + old) motor vehicles


TimGolden Dec 13, 2016

Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago),
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then

4(e!) install breathalyzers! in all (new + old) motor vehicles”
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters in all (new + old) motor vehicles to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen


install breathalyzers in all (new + old) motor vehiclesJan 21st, 2017 @ 5:52pm

on Report: President Trump Picks Former Verizon Lawyer Ajit Pai To Head FCC

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago),
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters in all (new + old) motor vehicles to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen
4(e!) install breathalyzers in all (new + old) motor vehicles


TimboGolden Feb 21


TimboGolden Feb 27, 2017

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago),
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters in all (new + old) motor vehicles to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen
4(e!) install breathalyzers! in all (new + old) motor vehicles”


TimboGolden Mar 20



TimboGolden Mar 28


Q: are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] pro-CHRIST or anti-CHRIST?


Tim Golden10 months ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government were created
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?
Q2: doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?

Comments continue after advertisement

TimGolden3 years ago

bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!

TimGolden3 years ago

G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)
part I stop sinning (behave!)(stop being a dumb-he!)
part II start saving (act!)(start being a smart-he!)
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (tunc)
part I cease to do evil
part II learn to do well
ho ho ho
bro(t)her! G-D knows who’s naughty and who’s nice

TimGolden3 years ago

bro(t)her! cling not to(o) fame nor to(o) fortune
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) power nor to(o) praise
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) booze nor to(o) (Imelda’s silver) shoes
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) pills nor to(o) terrestrial thrills
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) the sun nor to(o) a teeny tiny gun
bro(t)her! these terrestrial things are your doll’s dolls
Q: bro(t)her! what’s your doll?
A: “that man!”s skin you (wee spirit) are in
bro(t)her! cling to G-D

TimGolden3 years ago (October 26, 2014 1:14 PM)

bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!



chew! chew! [eat G-D’S Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]


y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] better start righting before G-D says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”


Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed. I won’t fail.” — Trump
EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

If it is the end of the quarter, or the end of the fiscal year,
EEOC offices dump cases. — Gabrielle Martin



U.S. Department of Justice,
According to Rachel Shonfield, AFGE Local 3599, the EEOC staffed
the Las Vegas EEOC office with only 7 employees
Q: did the EEOC set up the Las Vegas EEOC office to fail?
Q: did y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] set up the EEOC to fail?
Trust but Verify

GAO Report on EEOC
September 2008

New staff, hired early in the year, rather than starving the employees
until it is too late in the year to do anything but dump cases,
— Gabrielle Martin, Council President
September/ October 2009
Trust but Verify


President’s Viewpoint:
Meeting Challenges In The New Year
Challenge to New Chair

there should be no case dumping
— Newt Gingrich
March 3, 1998

Trust but Verify


Cases are closed even though questions remain
If it is the end of the quarter, or the end of the fiscal year,
EEOC offices dump cases.
There is no other way to describe what happens
— Gabrelle Martin, Council President
February 2004

Trust but Verify


“EEOC is kicking off its 45th anniversary celebration.
This anniversary comes at a time when too many discrimination claims are
1) buried in the backlog
2) dumped in order to help EEOC’s year end statistics,”
says Gabrielle Martin, president of the National Council of EEOC Locals,
216, AFGE/AFL-CIO (“the Council”), which represents the agency’s workers.
dumped cases (?) = FRAUD
In law,
FRAUD is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain,
or to
deprive a vicTim of a legal right.
Trust but Verify

The call center comes at a great cost to you (Taxpayers! who are also complainanTs) -
1) $4.9M
2) the cost of no new permanent staff,
3) the cost of getting rid of long term employees whose retirement benefits cost a lot of money,
4(e!) the cost of dumping cases
dumped cases (?) = FRAUD
In law,
FRAUD is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain,
or to
deprive a vicTim of a legal right.
Trust but Verify


what is EEOC doing to tackle the backlog? “Worse than nothing,”
says Martin.
The Union has filed unfair labor complaints in each of EEOC’s 53 offices,
charging that the agency mandated quotas of cases
each employee had to shut down (close) (dump) before the end of FY10.
Martin states, “The EEOC panicked before the 4th quarter, ratcheting up
the case dumping requirements

to try to improve the dismal year-end statistics that must be reported to Congress.
Neither the public or EEOC workers should have to suffer
because of this poor solution to the backlog.”
dumped cases (?) = FRAUD
In law,
FRAUD is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain,
or to
deprive a vicTim of a legal right.
Trust but Verify

thank you Gabrielle Martin for ‘blowing the whistle’ in 2010
thank you Google for helping her ‘blow the whistle’ (again) in 2016



Apr 29, 2016


Q: where’s NOW? (DuckDuckGo vs Google)


“let’s get ready to grumble!”





“She’s 18.
the detectives are in their 30s
Martins and Hall told colleagues that the sex was consensual,
according to the high-ranking police source.
EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)
Q: where’s NOW?




Harvard-educated writer cheated a runner
Harvard-educated president cheated 100,000s


“let’s get ready to grumble”

Discussion on WSVN 0 comments

Fort Lauderdale marathon runner admits to cheating — WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale


Tim Golden 7 months ago


Harvard-educated writer cheated a runner out of a 3rd place award
Harvard-educated president cheated 100,000s of complainanTs out of justice

she cut corners
EEOC case dumping scandal 2009–2017




while y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] played with your dolls JESUS [God’s Top Cop] cracked These cases:

In a land so lost to reason, the Voice of sanity was deemed mad (so sad and how silly)




____ #12 (160 lb.) Dongmo vs #1 (260 lb.) Carter ____ _____ 2016 Olympics Women Shot Put Final ______

Q: haven’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] sunk $10 trillion into the Pentagon (since Reagan)?


Q: shouldn’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] have socked away for us (Taxpayers/investors in America) more than $1 trillion in a hurricane/tornado/earthquake/wildfire fund?


THE HOLY SPIRIT is THE ONE WHO hands out Celestial Money


“If you want our money then we demand an accountability mechanism.” — Anne Sheehan


Presidents, not agencies, decide how much money to request from Congress


EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

(unethical) presidents can cut regulatory efforts they disapprove of
(e.g. EEOC) and give a boost to those they favor (e.g. Pentagon)?

Q: is the federal budget process undemocratic?
A: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! yea! да!
Fact: The OMB review process involves only career staff, top political appointees (PADs), the OMB director, and the president
Fact: OMB hearings are not open to the public
Fact: OMB calls no witnesses
Fact: OMB does not publish a formal report of the proceedings
Q: should not God be heard?
A: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! yea! да!
Q: what happens when God is not heard?

A: didn’t God give me 3 dinosaurs [President(s) + OMB + Congress] to play with?


in other words


Q: aren’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] 3 dinosaurs?


in other words

golden calf (tunc)


golden calf (nunc)


Q1: how much have y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] sunk

into 1 warship (since 2009)?

A1: $13 billion


Q2: how much have y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] invested

in EEOC (since 1965) to eradicate workplace harassment and discrimination?

A2: $10 billion


Q3: do y’all [Republican Party + Democratic Party] worship G-D?

A3: nyet!


Clinton’s EEOC vs Bush’s EEOC vs Obama’s EEOC vs Trump’s EEOC

Thanks for your order! We’ve sent a receipt to treasurelife911@hotmail.com

A: The EEOC also is not a high priority of President Clinton.
While he (Clinton) has proposed raising the agency’s budget
to $268 million next year,
1) he didn’t get a chairman installed for nearly 21 months
2) he waited two full years before nominating a new prosecutor
for the commission (the EEOC).
Trust but Verify


Q: did not EEOC chairman Gilbert Casellas say
1) he has not met privately with President Clinton
since his confirmation (16 months ago)

2) the White House has not returned his telephone calls.
3) “Nobody gives a crap about us,” Ca\sellas said.
(google it! vs duckduckgo it! vs yahoo! it vs aol it! vs bing it! vs wing it?)
Trust but Verify


from page 271 (American Work Values: Their Origin and Development):
Year — — — — # of backlog EEOC complaints — — # of EEOC investigators
FY 1994 — — — — — 96,945 — — — — — — — — — — — 732
FY 1990 — — — — — 41,987 — — — — — — — — — — — 762
FRAUD! FRAUD! FRAUD! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]
Trust but Verify


Even if the EEOC quit accepting any more complaints,
its 732 investigators would need at least 1 1/2 years to get through
the estimated 91,000 cases already in their files.
FRAUD! FRAUD! FRAUD! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]
Trust but Verify



Nonfeasance is the intentional failure to perform a required duty or obligation.


Q: did Presidents Bush and Obama under-fund and under-staff EEOC for(e!) 16 years?
















Dear Goivernor Cuomo and NYS senators,
Q: if only employers pay for the NYS Workers’ Compensation System then isn’t that a Con flict Of Interest?






if I’ve given y’all [Caesar] one million dollars (in taxes over 30 years) then why haven’t y’all [Uncle Sham] taken any actions for me? [HE HE HE]


Q: are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] pro-CHRIST or anti-CHRIST?


Timothy Golden 5 months ago
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!

2 years, 3 months ago on http://www.livefyre.com/profile/66202833/


Discussion on The Hill 171 comments

Trump boasts that his Cabinet has “highest IQ of any Cabinet ever assembled”

ho ho ho

Timothy Golden 6 months ago

I would have never dreamed many years ago that
I would be able to be here as THE APPROPRIATOR
for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
- Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
Thursday, May 3, 2007
EEOC case dumping scandal 2009–2017

Timothy Golden 6 months ago

WE’RE CHAMPIONS here of CIVIL RIGHTS and this is why
we want this agency, UNDER OUR STEWARDSHIP, to be
one of the best in our portfolio.
- Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
Thursday, May 3, 2007
EEOC case dumping scandal 2009–2017

Timothy Golden 6 months ago

As the Chairwoman of the Senate’s Appropriations Committee,
Barbara Mikulski has always known that
- President Obama
May 3, 2015
EEOC case dumping scandal 2009–2017

Timothy Golden 6 months ago

The intentional failure to perform a required duty or obligation.
Nonfeasance is a term used in Tort Law to describe inaction
that allows or results in harm to a person or to property.
An act of nonfeasance can result in liability if
(1) the actor owed a duty of care toward the injured person,
(2) the actor failed to act on that duty, and
(3) the failure to act resulted in injury.

Timothy Golden 6 months ago

“From a personal standpoint, being the nation’s
chief law-enforcement officer for equal employment opportunity was
very rewarding” Casellas says.
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: did not EEOC chairman Gilbert Casellas say
1) he has not met privately with President Clinton
since his confirmation (16 months ago)
2) the White House has not returned his telephone calls.
3) “Nobody gives a crap about us,” Ca\sellas said.
(google it! vs google chrome it! vs wing it?)


Dear U.S. Department of Justice,

Q: who hacked my Disqus account?

Q: who added Businessman, super hero, Bat lover?

Q: who added a link to https://batman-news.com/ ?





Clinton waited 2 years before naming an EEOC General Counsel?


Trump has waited 9 months (so far)




y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] better start righting before G-D says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”



golden calf (Then) vs golden calf (Today)



Timothy Golden Oct 24, 2014

golden calf (tunc) vs golden calf (nunc)










TimboGolden Mar 12

Q: where does JESUS go to exorcise? A: earth!

Viagra has risen (right under your noses) by(e bye) 666%




shame! shame! shame! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]


TIMOTHY J GOLDEN February 8, 2017 4:4PM

U.S. Department of Justice,

Fact: I am 50 (five o)

Q: is 50 (five o) really too old to be a cop?

A: nyet!



TimGolden Jan 7, 2017

“Cease to do evil — learn to do well” is cut in deep letters on the front of the Richmond Penitentiary, South Circular Road, Dublin












sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]

or else