8 min readMar 15, 2022

Carter employed 400 EEOC lawyers (in 1980) vs Obama employed 173 EEOC lawyers (in 2016) = Uncle Sham + so where’re SCOTUS and NY FBI (who’re followers of CHRIST?)?

https://books.google.com/books?id=431ZIAm7TWIC&pg=PA259&dq=In+1981,+EEOC+employed+400+lawyers&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiVkpLess_kAhVNKDQIHbmUCv0Q6AEwAnoECAUQAg#v=onepage&q=In%201981%2C%20EEOC%20employed%20400%20lawyers&f=false p.s. “take a bite!”
https://www.eeoc.gov/reports/office-general-counsel-0 p.s. “take a bite!”
https://treasurelife911.medium.com/q-nancy-weinberg-created-a-eeocs-3-horsemen-of-the-apocalypse-7e645ab9e0fa p.s. “take a bite!”

EEOC’s 3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Nancy Weinberg September 2008
Dear NY FBI, is under-staffing EEOC pro-laborer or anti-laborer?

Malachi 3:5 “Then I will draw near to you for judgment. And I will be a swift witness against those who defraud laborers
New International Version “So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against those who defraud laborers

I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter (duh!)

3 stooges (Bush and Obama and Trump) slashed EEOC’s workforce from 2,852 (in 2000) to 1,939 (in 2020) right under SCOTUS and NY FBI noses
my mother worked for NY FBI
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to NY FBI”

3 stooges (Bush and Obama and Trump) slashed EEOC’s workforce from 2,852 (in 2000) to 1,939 (in 2020) right under SCOTUS and FBI noses

https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc-budget-and-staffing-history-1980-present p.s. “take a bite!”

my mother worked for NY FBI
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to NY FBI


then I heard God say, “son!
you’re gonna give it to NY FBI alright”

U.S. Department of Justice? (Scooby Do!o),
where are you?
1) up a Tree
2) in a Tea ching
3) up on a Tee
4(e!): all (t)HE above
Fact: I (knocked) wrote to(o) the NY FBI 2 times! in 2011
(signed by L. Carr on 1/7/11 and 3/4/11);
the NY FBI never wrote ‘me back’ (so sad and how silly to(o)
not open)
Fact: I got back and I am saving
both signed green cards (USPS Form 3811)
Q: who was in charge of the NY FBI then (tunc)?
A: Janice Fedarcyk
Q: did not Janice Fedarcyk work closely with Loretta Lynch?
A: si! (I got THAT today (yea!) from Loretta Lynch hearing)
Q: did those women ‘see’ the 50 (five o) poems!
I delivered for G-D! (ho ho ho)?
Q: did those women ‘hear’ about the 50 (five o) poems!
I delivered for G-D! (ho ho ho)?
Q: did those women ‘see’ my written complaint(s)
I mailed for G-D! (ho ho ho)?
Q: did those women ‘hear’ about my written complaint(s)
I mailed for G-D! (ho ho ho)?
Q: did those women “investigate! IME doctor fraud”?
Q: did the NY FBI ‘take and pass’ G-D’S Mail around?
Q: did the NY FBI throw out (discard)(abort) G-D’S Mail?
Q: where is G-D’S Mail right now (nunc)?
Q: is the NY FBI a modern day Jonah?
Q: does not every single law enforcement agency have a duty to(o)
the American Taxpayer/complainanT/vicTim/claimanT to(o)
1) accept complaint (IME doctor fraud!)
2) investigate complaint (IME doctor fraud!)
3) communicate with complainanT [HE HE HE]
4) resolve complaint in a (t)IMEly manner (180 days or less)
U.S. Department of Justice,
please answer (t)HIS questions
Q: what’s FOIA?
_________________________[yoo-hoo] [yoo-hoo]
U.S. Department of Justice,
wakie wakie
G-D wants y’all to(o)
‘take and drink’ (t)HIS Cup of (not hemlock) T:
Q: before JESUS could do what JESUS did what had to happen first?
A: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I passed (t)HIS note:
1) JESUS’ Grandmother Anne had to suffer each month and then really suffer
when it was time to give birth to JESUS’ Mother
2) JESUS’ Mother Mary had to suffer each month and then really suffer
when it was time to give birth to JESUS
sip! sip!
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: are not we(e spirits!) all G-D’S students?
to(o) my doctor Dr. Lippe (in 2010)
to(o) the NY FBI (in 2011)
I passed (ho ho ho) (t)HIS note:
“woman isn’t closest to G-D
because she sacrifices
woman sacrifices
because she is (allready?) closest to G-D”
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: did the NY FBI pass you (t)HIS note?
Q: if the NY FBI didn’t pass you (t)HIS note
then would not that mean that the NY FBI is a modern day
Jonah (you’re back too)?
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: to the NY FBI (in 2011) I passed (t)HIS note:
a rabbi said to me, “are you a Jew?” so I said,
“I am! a Jewel of (t)HE MOST HIGH”
“we(e spirits) are all Jewels of (t)HE MOST HIGH”
“we(e Jewels) will all be graded”





A) don’t throw out God’s Mail


B) chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


C) do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]


bro(t)her! now (nunc) you know God’s ABCs

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