16 min readFeb 3, 2020

Dear NY FBI, be a doll and let Sedgwick Claims know I just submitted my Unit VII Essay and I just saw my Typo and I just found out policing pioneer Herman Goldstein died (on 1/24/2020)

Police Corruption & Accountability

Timothy J Golden

Columbia Southern University

Police Corruption & Accountability

In 1975, University of Wisconsin Law School professor Herman Goldstein said, “corruption is endemic to policing.“ (NYT, 1975). Why would Professor Goldstein say such a thing? Because Professor Goldstein had seen it all. He knew all about police corruption and the commissions [i.e. the Seabury Commission, the Knapp Commission, and the Mollen Commission] that followed police corruption during the Political Era, the Reform Era, and the Community Era of policing. The Seabury Commission was the beginning of the end for the Political Era of policing (Blakemore, 2019). Although Professor Goldstein described police corruption as “the misuse of authority by a police officer in a manner designed to produce personal gain for himself or others” (NYT, 1994), Professor Goldstein did not limit police corruption to just monetary gain. Professor Goldstein included status and prestige as types of personal gain (NYT, 1994).

According to Walker & Katz, gratuities is the most common form of police corruption. Some police departments prohibit gratuities, while others do not. The Knapp Commission called police officers who passively accepted gratuities “grass eaters.” According to Professor Jim Ruiz, a retired police sergeant from New Orleans, gratuities can really add up. Professor Ruiz tells all in his book “At What Price a Freebie? The Real Cost of Police Corruption.” Professor Ruiz says, as a police officer, he received $8,713.10 in gratuities each year (Walker & Katz, 2018).

Although accepting a free cup of coffee and a donut is not a crime, taking a bribe is.

A bribe may be offered to a police officer to look the other way or to protect a drug dealer or to get information only a police officer can get, through D.A.V.I.D. (Pilcher & Hegarty & Like & Nichols, 2019). David Burnham did a little detective work and found out NYC building contractors paid police $50/week to avoid being ticketed (Walker & Katz, 2018). In 1999, Samuel Walker said detectives face the greatest temptations because detectives work with even less supervision than patrol officers (Walker, 1999).

Falsifying timesheets is another no-no. Over only six months, NCPD police officer Tedesco spent 100 nights at his mistress’s house while he should have been working (Crowley, 2012). Who blew the whistle on Tedesco’s racket? Was it a nosey neighbor? Was it a concerned taxpayer? Does it even matter? After NCPD got embarrassed, NCPD installed GPS tracking on all NCPD vehicles. NCPD got embarrassed a second time when Tedesco’s bosses got brought up on charges for their own misdeeds (LIP, 2013). While Nassau County, New York was dealing with its police scandals, Buffalo, New York police were under an FBI microscope. Buffalo police were being investigated for taking kickbacks in exchange for giving tow truck operators the tows. Buffalo police officer Jeffrey Mott, under investigation, committed suicide at his home (Michel & Herbeck, 2013).

Why does police corruption exist? If police corruption existed during the Political Era of policing, then why didn’t August Vollmer and his college cop Orlando Winfield Wilson and the Reform Era of policing wipe it out? In 1970, William Westley said the “blue curtain” of silence is partially to blame. The “blue curtain” is the refusal of police officers to testify against other corrupt officers (Walker & Katz, 2018). A theory that picked up steam recently is to blame the few rotten apples.

If police officers who see something (police corruption) are not man enough or woman enough to say something, then what can be done? Kane and White examined career-ending police misconduct in the NYPD. Kane and White concluded that NYPD police officers who achieved a college degree were less likely to disappoint their teachers and engage in career-ending misconduct (Walker & Katz, 2018). So, before a person is given a badge, a weapon, and discretion, require all police officers in America to have and hold an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice first.

Is the Supreme Court doing anything to control police corruption? The Supreme Court set a bar (a national standard) for all police agencies in America when it imposed the exclusionary rule and Miranda. The exclusionary rule told all police agencies in America, “all evidence obtained by searches and seizures in violation of the Constitution is, by the same authority, inadmissible in a state court.” (Walker & Katz, 2018). Miranda told all police agencies in America, “criminal suspects must be read their rights before police questioning becomes accusatory.” (Walker & Katz, 2018).

In conclusion, is police corruption in 2020 as rampant as police corruption was during the Political Era of policing? No! Is police corruption in 2020 as pervasive as police corruption was during the Reform Era of policing? No! In March 2019, the U.S. Department of Justice said, “there are 800,000 individuals who wear badges in this country and who engage in millions of honorable, positive, and uncontroversial interactions with the community every single day.” (USDOJ, 2019). If the federal, state, and local police departments really want to eradicate police corruption, then

1) require all police officers to have and hold an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice.

2) give all police officers in America $25/hour federal minimum wage.

3) integrity tests will keep all police officers on their toes.

4) move rank-and-file and police brass around (every 4 years or so) to keep them from getting too cozy with the community


NYT (1975, March 31). Corruption is part of policeman’s lot, scholar says. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/1975/03/31/archives/corruption-is-part-of-policemans-lot-scholar-maintains.html

Blakemore, E. (2019, April 17). The insane 1930s graft investigation that took down New York’s mayor — and then Tammany Hall. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/news/tammany-hall-corruption-downfall-fdr-seabury-investigation

NYT (1994, March 27). On the takeover of a police department. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/1994/03/27/nyregion/l-on-the-takeover-of-a-police-department-588989.html

Walker & Katz (2018). The police in America (Ninth Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill

Pilcher & Hegarty & Like & Nichols (2019, Oct 14). Fired for a felony, again for perjury. Meet the new police chief. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2019/04/24/police-officers-police-chiefs-sheriffs-misconduct-criminal-records-database/2214279002/

Walker, S. (1999). The police in America: an introduction [Google Books]. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=R9sPAQAAMAAJ&q=Westley%27s+Blue+Wall+of+Silence&dq=Westley%27s+Blue+Wall+of+Silence&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSq5mRo6LnAhUTlnIEHaw3BAA4FBDoATAAegQIAxAC

USDOJ (2019, March). Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act: Report to Congress. Retrieved from https://cops.usdoj.gov/RIC/Publications/cops-p370-pub.pdf

Hadrick, C. (2019, April 9). Nassau County Police see average pay fall sharply, reports show. Newsday. Retrieved from https://www.newsday.com/long-island/politics/nassau-police-salaries-1.29565307

LIP (2013, February 1). New revelations in Nassau County Police Department conspiracy case. Retrieved from https://www.longislandpress.com/2013/02/01/new-revelations-in-nassau-county-police-department-conspiracy-case/

Crowley, K. (2012, April 30). Mistress says Nassau cop spent overnight shifts shacking up at her place and other cops covered for him. New York Post. Retrieved from https://nypost.com/2012/04/30/mistress-says-nassau-cop-spent-overnight-shifts-shacking-up-at-her-place-and-other-cops-covered-for-him/

Crowley, K. (2012, December 14). LI cop allegedly dating two women on patrol, pleads not guilty to 80 misconduct counts. New York Post. Retrieved from https://nypost.com/2012/12/14/li-cop-allegedly-dating-two-women-while-on-patrol-pleads-not-guilty-to-80-misconduct-counts/

Michel, L. & Herbeck, D. (2013, August 13). Allegations of police ‘shakedowns’ add to Buffalo’s tow truck wars. The Buffalo News. Retrieved from https://buffalonews.com/2013/08/11/allegations-of-police-shakedowns-add-to-buffalos-tow-truck-wars/



The latest Tweets from TimGolden (@treasurelife911): “i Threw y’all Presidents + OMB + Con gress God’s Life Preserver


TimGolden — Medium
Read writing from TimGolden


TimboGolden — Medium
Read writing from TimboGolden


Dear NY FBI, Verizon’s carrier, Sedgwick Claims, doesn’t believe I am getting my degree in Criminal Justice. Sedgwick Claims wants to see My Grades (on 2/19/2020)?

Before I show up, why don’t you show up and tell Verizon through Sedgwick Claims, “1) we’ve seen T im Golden’s grades so 2) show us the money (the check for $225,000 T im Golden has been waiting for for 6 years 11 months) and oh by the way 3) you and Verizon are being investigated for IME doctor libel and fraud and for violating the 3-year decree Verizon signed on July 6, 2011 and for violating NYS Workers’ Compensation Board’s Return to Work Handbook for idiots (employers and employers’ carriers) and for violating RICO?”


I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter (duh!)


I arrived (30 minutes) early to my Social Security Disability hearing
(on Broadway) in Jericho.
A woman (who I had never met before) said, “Mr. Golden?”
I said, “yes.”
She said, “I’m your


Verizon failed to provide reasonable accommodations. The ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability. The law also requires an employer to provide a reasonable accommodation to an employee with a disability. In addition to the $20 million in monetary relief, the three-year decree includes injunctions against engaging in any discrimination or retaliation based on disability, and requires the company to revise its plans, policies and ADA policy to include reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Verizon will provide mandatory periodic training on the ADA to employees. The company will report to the EEOC about all employee complaints of disability discrimination and about Verizon’s compliance with the 3-year consent decree. The company also agreed to post a notice about the $20 million settlement. Finally, Verizon will appoint an internal consent decree monitor to ensure its compliance. The settlement applies to certain Verizon wireline operations nationwide which employ union-represented employees.


Dear NY FBI, what reeks like RICO?

In March 2009, NYS Workers’ Compensation Board published its Return to Work Handbook for employers and employers’ insurance carriers. NYS Workers’ Compensation Board notified employers and employers’ insurance carriers to be diligent (not dilatory) and return injured employees (like me?) to work. On November 2, 2009, I suffered an on-duty work-accident with injuries to my back my neck my shoulder. I was told by Verizon managers there is no light-duty work. On July 6, 2011, Verizon paid $20 Million to settle EEOC workplace disability discrimination lawsuit because Verizon failed to offer its employees reasonable accommodations. Verizon signed a 3-year decree agreeing to offer its employees reasonable accommodations. Verizon has done nothing to return me to work. Verizon has never engaged me in the mandatory ADA interactive process. Verizon has never offered me a reasonable accommodation even though Verizon signed a court order saying Verizon would. Verizon pays Sedgwick Claims a lot of money to manage Verizon disability and workers’ compensation claims. Sedgwick Claims was notified many moons ago by NYS Workers’ Compensation Board Return to Work Handbook to be diligent (not dilatory) and return Verizon employees to work. If Sedgwick Claims is taking Verizon’s money and if Sedgwick Claims has done nothing to return me to work with a reasonable accommodation and if Sedgwick Claims has refused to pay me my NYS Workers’ Compensation Board Section 32 Agreement for 6 years 10 months [when NYS WCB chair Beloten warned employers’ insurance carriers on May 28, 2013 that employers’ insurance carriers are reminded of their obligation to offer a Section 32 agreement to settle compensation and other benefits due to the claimant within 6 months of a NYS WCALJudge’s PPD classification. — Robert E. Beloten, New York State Workers’ Compensation Board Chair, May 28, 2013 so show me the money within 6 months (not 6 years 10 months) of a NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson’s PPD classification] then doesn’t that reek like RICO, NY FBI?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2009?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2010?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2011?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2012?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2013?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2014?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2015?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2016?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2017?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2018?

Dear NY FBI, how many injured employees did Sedgwick Claims help Verizon return to work with a reasonable accommodation in 2019?

Dear NY FBI, raid Verizon and Sedgwick Claims before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”

http://www.wcb.ny.gov/content/main/ReturnToWork/RTW_Handbook.pdf p.s. “take a bite!”

Insurance carriers are reminded of their obligation to offer a Section 32 agreement to settle compensation and other benefits due to the claimant within 6 months of a NYS WCALJudge’s PPD classification. — Robert E. Beloten, New York State Workers’ Compensation Board Chair, May 28, 2013


Trump: I couldn’t care less about golf
Trump tracker

Q: is lying pro-CHRIST or anti-CHRIST?


Timothy GoldenGo to Timothy Golden’s profile, opens in a new window

People treat him (Bill Bradley) like he’s about to give
the updated version of the Sermon on the Mount.
- Trump, The America We Deserve
Reagan and Eisenhower weren’t politicians to begin with —
and they turned out to be very good presidents.
- Trump, The America We Deserve
DoJustice! wasn’t Eisenhower addicted to Coke and golf?
DoJustice! didn’t Reagan slash EEOC’s workforce?
DoJustice! didn’t GOD create EEOC to eradicate workplace
harassment and discrimination?
DoJustice! didn’t Reagan slash OSHA’s workforce?
DoJustice! didn’t GOD create OSHA to eradicate workplace
hazards and fatalities?
Trump: I couldn’t care less about golf
Trump Tracker
Trump: ‘I would rarely leave the White House’
Trump has spent 218 days at hiss properties so far (duh!)
to captain a plane you must ‘take and pass’ many Tests
to captain America you don’t have to ‘take and pass’ any Tests (duh!)
Q: aren’t y’all [Republican Party and Democratic Party] cults?
Q: when JESUS returns will HE be riding a donkey or man y donkeys?



IME Moriarty wrote This claimanT is bizarre he was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

IME Moriarty wrote This claimanT is bizarre he was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

claimanT is bizarre — orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

claimanT suffers from a severe psychological disorder
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

do not resend claimanT. He frightened me and my office staff
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011



chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]


Q1: would y’all FBI call God’s Mail a stack of papers?

Q2: Dear NY FBI, do you remember the time I fed you God’s Mail?

Q3: did Verizon or Verizon’s carrier, Sedgwick Claims, pay for that surveillance report?



The latest Tweets from TimGolden (@treasurelife911): “The Universal IME Form w/carbon copy 1) I fed to FBI


did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and SHOT PUTgate and Heightgate and Polygraphgate and VIAGRAgate and SECgate yet?
did FBI tell these 4 about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot PUTgate and Heightgate yet?


sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]


you can stop IME doctor fraud with the universal IME form w/carbon copy — Timothy Golden • July 13, 2014
The Universal IME Form w/carbon copy
1) I fed to FBI and Congressman King on 1/7/11; seeing is believing


y’all [legislators, lawyers, judges] better start righting before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”

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