3 min readFeb 12, 2024

Dear NY FBI, God Told Moses, “Do not commit usury” so is lending at 29% usury to you?

TimboGolden — Medium + TimGolden — Medium = God’s Mail p.s. chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail] and do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)] or else


thinkers from Calvin to Smith condemned excessive interest rates while accepting the need for loans with interest as part of Europe’s emerging capitalist economies. Governments began setting caps on interest rates. In England, the legal limit was 10 percent in 1571, and by 1651 the government had reduced it to 6 percent, though enforcement was lax.


The oyster is essential for the growth of the pearl — Ramakrishna
man/woman is essential for the growth of the spirit — THE HOLY SPIRIT

God Tests us so that we(e spirits “in man”) can grow AND prove to God and All HIS Angels that we are pro-Christ and not anti-Christ


chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]

or else

2,800 years ago, Homer delivered God’s Mail: There is a soul “in man” When a man dies, his soul leaves his body and travels to Hades where he is judged Minos judges the man’s deeds, missed deeds, and misdeeds

2,800 years ago, Homer delivered God’s Mail: There is a soul “in man” When a man dies, his soul leaves his body and travels to Hades where he is judged…
Dear NY FBI, Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass…

Dear NY FBI, Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

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