2 min readJan 26, 2020

Dear NY FBI, i found a Typo in NYS Workers’ Compensation Board’s letter to me and Verizon’s insurance carrier Sedgwick Claims; are you going to tell them or shall i?

there is evidence of “re-attahment” to the labor market.

recovery of NYS Workers’ Compensation Board’s costs are paid by employers and employers’ carriers so now I and NY FBI know why I, claimanT, have been waiting 6 years 10 months for Verizon’s carrier, Sedgwick Claims, to offer me my NYS Workers’ Compensation Section 32 Agreement

IME Moriarty wrote This claimanT is bizarre he was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

Sloth (deadly sin) God knows who’s complicit and who’s complacent

This claimanT is bizarre he (me me me) was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass



chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]

or else

Sloth! God knows who’s complicit and who’s complacent

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