6 min readFeb 11, 2020

Q: wouldn’t only robots [President(s) + Congress] under-staff EEOC for(e!) 50 years?


Q: wouldn’t only a robot vote for presidential candidates
who did not ‘take and pass’ any Tests?


Google’s captured God’s Mail Thousands of Times since 2011
[the year I (no robot) wrote to NY FBI 2 Times]

Google has captured my searches (my soldiers) Thousands of …

Google has captured my searches (my soldiers) Thousands of Times since 2011 (the year I wroteto NY FBI 2 Times!)


Google captured my search (my soldier) [God’s Mail] 6 years ago

… I gave NY EEOC (2 Times!) my Degree and my Next Step … my searches Thousands of Times(since 2011 … Jul 4, 2017. Google captured my search …


Google just captured my search. — TimGolden — Medium

Google just captured my search. Google’s captured my searches Thousands of Times since 2011(the year I wrote to FBI 2 Times!) https://ipv4.google.com/sorry/index


Q: has Google ever captured your search? — TimGolden — Medium

Q: has Google ever captured your search? … (the year. I (knocked) wrote to(o) NY FBI 2 Times!) … Google has captured my searches Thousands of Times (since 2011) …


Google captured my search on 3/31/2018 — medium.com

Google has captured my searches Thousands of Times since 2011 (the year I wrote to NY FBI 2 Times) … Google captured my search on 3/31/2018.


treasurelife (Google vs eBay) — TimGolden — Medium

treasurelife (Google vs eBay) … Google has captured my searches Thousands of Times since 2011(the year I wrote to NY FBI 2 Times!) or.


Q: what race does God love the most? A: the relay race …

Fact: Google has captured my searches Thousands of Times since 2011 (the year I wrote to NYFBI 2 Times!) p.p.s. Fact: I gave man y (50) (five o) poems! to(o) 1) Ed Richardson (in 2009) 2) my doctor Dr. Lippe (in… Fact: I have many (50) (five o) poems! to(o) 1) Ed Richardson (in 2009) 2) my doctor …


Dear NY FBI (Google vs DuckDuckGo) — TimGolden — Medium

on 9/5/2011 Google captured my search #2 — TimboGolden — Medium. since 2011 (the year Iwrote to NY FBI 2 Times … Thousands of Times (since 2011) + Dear NY FBI, …


structural conspiracy or tacit collusion? EEOC case dumping …

Google has been capturing my searches since 2011 (the year I wrote to NY FBI 2 Times!) + Googlehas captured my searches Thousands of Times since 2011 (the year I wrote to NY FBI 2 Times!)


Q: what will you have son? A: FATHER! I’ll have a DuckDuckGo …

on 9/5/2011 Google captured my search #2 — TimboGolden — Medium. since 2011 (the year Iwrote to NY FBI 2 Times … Thousands of Times (since 2011) + Dear NY FBI, …


Q: when is Google going to release (not Google earnings) my …

… (after I wrote to NY FBI 2 Times in 2011)? … Google has captured my searches Thousands ofTimes (since 2011) … on 9/5/2011 Google captured my search #2


Q: what race does God love the most? — TimboGolden — Medium

A: the relay race! p.s. Fact: Google has captured my searches Thousands of Times since 2011 (theyear I wrote to NY FBI 2 Times!)


Google has captured my searches Thousands of Times (since…)

Q: why doesn’t Google publish all my searches Google’s captured (since 2011); the year I wrote toNY FBI (2 Times!)? + Google captured my search site:medium.com at DuckDuckGo Edit descriptionduckduckgo.com.


on 9/5/2011 Google captured my search #2 — TimGolden — Medium

+ Google captured G-D’S Mail in 2011. vs. you (Taxpayers!) are seeing G-D’S Mail in 2017 (6 yearslater). + Google has captured my searches [G-D’S Mail] Thousands of Times. since 2011 (the year Iwrote to NY FBI 2 Times).


Katie is a Search expert and author of this help page. Dear Katie

Fact: Google has captured my searches Thousands of Times (since 2011). Q: shouldn’t Google set my captured soldiers [God’s Mail] free? (on 9/5/2011) Google captured my search: FATHER!


FBI scandals since (11/2/2009) the day a teeny tiny bolt broke on my…

+ Fact: I (knocked) wrote to(o) the NY FBI 2 times in 2011 — Google Search Aug 16, 2014 … … only about 2% of their income to the Lord and we spend 10 times as … Out: What Did Jesus Really…www.google.com.


Dear Google+, Fact: I fed Google+ God’s Mail Thousands of Times…

Dear Google+, Q: where are all (my) emails and (my) poems and (my) posts (since 2014)? in other words.






EEOC — modern day Keystone Cops?

EEOC has only 548 investigators — EEOC chair Yang, May 19, 2015
EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter on June 9, 2015
“Employers don’t always know what the laws are.”
EEOC COO Cynthia Pierre, August 18, 2015



Clinton employed 917 EEOC investigators in 2000 vs
Trump employed 497 EEOC investigators in 2019, why NY FBI?

Obama employed 548 EEOC investigators in 2015, why NY FBI?



Timothy Golden2 years ago

Q: President(s) + OMB + Congress =



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