4 min readMay 28, 2020

Dear NY FBI, why aren’t the elderly ever depicted raising a flag?

if God [HE] was to borrow your (old or new) car — TimGolden Dec 16, 2016 — Google Search

Dear NY FBI, God’s got man y sleighs so is NY FBI God’s sleigh?





Dear NY FBI, why are first responders depicted raising a shredded FOTUS Flag Of The United States?

Dear NY FBI, do you remember the time I fed you God’s Mail (in 2011)?
TimGolden • 3 years ago Wednesday, September 17, 2014 9:47 PM

i fed NY FBI God’s Mail 9 years ago
Bad Dog!

my mother worked for NY FBI
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to NY FBI”

then I heard God say, “son!
you’re gonna give it to NY FBI alright”

Laws in some states forbid using FOTUS Flag Of The United States for advertising purposes

FOTUS Flag Of The United States Laws to prevent the use of FOTUS for advertising purposes is valid and not unconstitutional

FOTUS Flag Of The United States acceptable dimensions


chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]

or else

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