Dr Sowell, if you take countries by population (2020) and then add the CIA’s adult obesity rate by country you get America has 331,002,651 people, America’s obesity rate is 42%, why NY FBI?
China has 1,439,323,776 people, its obesity rate is 6%
India has 1,380,004,385 people, its obesity rate is 4%
America has 331,002,651 people, America’s obesity rate is 42%
Indonesia has 273,523,615 people, its obesity rate is 7%
Pakistan has 220,892,340 people, its obesity rate is 9%
Nigeria has 206,139,589 people, its obesity rate is 9%
Bangladesh has 164,689,383 people, its obesity rate is 4%
Japan has 126,476,461 people, its obesity rate is 4%
Ethiopia has 114,963,588 people, its obesity rate is 4%
Learn more about heart disease and its risk factors. It’s important for everyone to know the facts!
in other words
chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]
do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]
or else