4 min readOct 11, 2017

Only God can forgive you (Presidents) and you (Congress) and you (insurance companies)


Timothy Golden10 months ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told you,
“if y’all want to save lots and lots of lives and money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
2) start pulling (the data from) all vehicles’ black boxes when
accidents happen
3) set speed-limiters (in all cars) to 75 mph
4) add breathalyzers to all (new + old) vehicles”
ho ho ho HE HE HE Marry CHRISTmas 2016
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: since 2009, there have been 40 million motor vehicle crashes
Fact: since 2009, there have been 250,000 motor vehicle deaths
Fact: since 2009, there have been 8 million drivers charged with DWI
Q: since 2009, what have y’all done to deter death and destruction?


“install breathalyzers!” before, “it’s too late!”


Tim Golden10 months ago (October 16, 2016 2:02 PM)

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago),
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters in all (new + old) motor vehicles to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all (new + old) motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen
4(e!) install breathalyzers! in all (new + old) motor vehicles”


install breathalyzers in all (new + old) motor vehiclesDec 5th, 2016 @ 6:02am

on MADD Chalks Up Victory On In-Car Breathalyzers

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told Geico,
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots and lots of money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters (in all cars) to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen
4(e!) install breathalyzers in all (new + old) motor vehicles


TimGolden Dec 13, 2016

Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago),
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then

4(e!) install breathalyzers! in all (new + old) motor vehicles”
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters in all (new + old) motor vehicles to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen


install breathalyzers in all (new + old) motor vehiclesJan 21st, 2017 @ 5:52pm

on Report: President Trump Picks Former Verizon Lawyer Ajit Pai To Head FCC

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago),
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters in all (new + old) motor vehicles to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen
4(e!) install breathalyzers in all (new + old) motor vehicles


TimboGolden Feb 21


TimboGolden Feb 27, 2017

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: I Told Geico (many moons ago),
“if y’all really want to save lots and lots of lives and money then
1) install speed cameras on all parkways and all expressways
so accidents don’t happen
2) set speed-limiters in all (new + old) motor vehicles to 75 mph
3) start pulling the data from all motor vehicles’ black boxes
when accidents do happen
4(e!) install breathalyzers! in all (new + old) motor vehicles”


TimboGolden Mar 20



TimboGolden Mar 28


I Told you


y’all [all so-called religious people] better start righting before God says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”


Timothy Golden1 year ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
wakie wakie
‘tell and show’ all (Law Enforcement Organizations?) (t)HIS:
when JESUS (G-D’S TOP COP) “knocks”
do not come to the door (not ready?)
wearing a frumpy house-dress and bedroom slippers
chew! chew!
ho ho ho
Marry CHRISTmas”