2 min readMar 7, 2022

Plato: Men should ascend to the upper world (see The Son), and then return to the lower world and take part in their government, why NY FBI?

https://books.google.com/books?id=aLnWAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA216&dq=better+to+be+the+poor+servant+of+a+poor+master&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0toLi7rL2AhUqT98KHZk2BBw4KBDoAXoECAIQAg#v=onepage&q=better%20to%20be%20the%20poor%20servant%20of%20a%20poor%20master&f=false p.s. “take a bite!”

Dear NY FBI, does God see ‘faces and races’ or (good and evil) spirits?
Timothy Golden Dec 27, 2014


chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]

or else


Timothy Golden 5 years ago

bro(t)her! don’t ever be afraid to(o) deliver God’s Mail

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