2 min readMar 28, 2017

Dear NY FBI, has Google ever captured your search?


Google captured my search (on 9/5/2011):
FATHER each child of YOURS a door
yea son each child of MINE adore


Google has captured my searches Thousands of Times since 2011 (the year I (knocked) wrote to(o) NY FBI 2 Times!)





Google captured my search (on 9/5/2011): FATHER let me wash all YOUR naughty children’s dirty minds out with YOUR Words (YOUR Celestial Soap!)
my mother worked for NY FBI
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to NY FBI”
then I heard God say, “son…


Google captured my search (on 12/5/2011): devils don’t right wrongs, sons of God do
Today (on May 19, 2017), I am setting God’s Mail free


Dear NY FBI, don’t you wish you were (privy too) a fly on Google’s server?


Good Luck in life


Good Luck in death

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