6 min readJan 18, 2018

Q: what do Trump and Obama got in common (besides their height)?

A: their lack of fight (righting wrongs)


Q10: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in God (righting wrongs)?

Tim Golden • 8 months ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: EEOC receives more than 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs less than 666 EEOC investigators
Q1: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Spanish?
Q2: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Chinese?
Q3: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Russian?
Q4: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Arabic?
Q5: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Korean?
Q6: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Punjabi and Hindi?
Q7: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Vietnamese?
Q8: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in French?
Q9: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Hebrew and Yiddish?
Q10: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in G-D (righting wrongs)?


Trust but Verify




Dear U.S. Department of Justice,

Q1: who hacked my Disqus account?

Q2: who added Businessman, super hero, bat lover?

Q3: who added Gotham City, NY ?

Q4: who added a link to http://batman-news.com/ ?







y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] better start righting before G-D says, “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”


Man y were optimistic that Obama, a civil rights lawyer, knows and understands EEOC’s plight — Rachel Shonfield, April 2009



Tim Golden2 years ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: 50 million more Americans are working in 2016 than in 1982
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC receives 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t investigate and amend “in good faith” 100,000 complainTs/yr
Q: how many EEOC investigators would it take to (not screw
in a light bulb) investigate and amend in a ‘thorough and timely’ manner 100,000 complainTs/yr?
A: 50 states * 100 investigators/state = 5000 EEOC investigators (duh!)
Trust but Verify


Tim Golden2 years ago

______________________[yoo-hoo] [yoo-hoo]
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: if the U.S. population has increased by(e) 1/3 (90 million) since 1982
then why has EEOC staffing decreased by(e) 1/3 (1500 employees) ?
Trust but Verify
shame! shame! shame! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]
blame! blame! blame! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]


Tim Golden2 years ago

U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: EEOC receives more than 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs less than 666 EEOC investigators
Q1: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Spanish?
Q2: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Chinese?
Q3: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Russian?
Q4: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Arabic?
Q5: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Korean?
Q6: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Punjabi and Hindi?
Q7: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Vietnamese?
Q8: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in French?
Q9: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in Hebrew and Yiddish?
Q10: how many EEOC investigators are fluent in G-D (righting wrongs)?




Tim Golden2 years ago

EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)


Timothy Goldena year ago

Man y were optimistic that Obama, a civil rights lawyer, knows and understands EEOC’s plight.
- Rachel Shonfield, Local 3599
April 2009
Trust but Verify
Rachel’s Report:
Raising Heck on the Hill


Q: where does JESUS go to exorcise?

A: earth!


if God is the ultimate feminisT then why have one million women received ‘no reasonable cause’ letters from EEOC? (Part Duh!)

A: because y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] are not pro-woman


“I am my sister’s keeper” + EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden) = ? (Part Duh!)

shame! shame! shame! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]

Timothy Golden2 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: are not we(e spirits) all recorders?
Q2: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every move we(e spirits) make?
Q3: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every dumb (dopey?) word we(e spirits) spake?
Q4: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every brother/sister we(e spirits) forsake?
Q5: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every thing we(e spirits) take and/or break?
5 = a hand

Timothy Golden2 years ago
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)
part I stop sinning (behave!)(stop being a dumb-he!)
part II start saving (act!)(start being a smart-he!)
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (tunc)
part I cease to do evil
part II learn to do well
ho ho ho
bro(t)her! G-D knows who’s naughty and who’s nice


________“woman! (Taxpayers!) (sisters!) lend me your ears”_______

Fact: more than a million women (who are Taxpayers!) have received

‘no reasonable cause’ letters

from the under-funded and under-staffed EEOC

since 1965


Q: whatcha gonna do?


TimboGolden Mar 16,2017



chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]