4 min readNov 24, 2017

Q: what would JESUS spanking the real ‘wicked witch of the west’ sound like?



Q: what would JESUS spanking the real ‘wicked witch of the west’ look like?



JESUS spanking goliath is FUNner than David killing goliath

Image result for JESUS spanking goliath (government)

in other words


















Q: is Trump a follower of CHRIST?


Q: has Trump ever told Xi, “Xi! stop tearing down crosses”?

The battle started when a government-hired crew tore down the metal cross

The next day, a church member used his own welding torch to put it back.
He was promptly detained and questioned for 10 hours

A week later, the crew came back to remove the cross.
Once again, church members put it back up, now tattered and a little shorter.


Timothy Golden3 years ago

bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!


Q: did the Navy pay an auto mechanic $1.6 million for 349 silencers that cost less than $10,000 in parts and labor?


Court records filed by prosecutors allege that the Navy paid the auto mechanic — the brother of the directorate’s boss —

$1.6 million for the silencers, even though they cost only $10,000 in parts and labor to manufacture.



Timothy Golden2 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q1: are not we(e spirits) all recorders?
Q2: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every move we(e spirits) make?
Q3: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every dumb (dopey?) word we(e spirits) spake?
Q4: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every brother/sister we(e spirits) forsake?
Q5: are not we(e spirits) all recording
every thing we(e spirits) take and/or break?
5 = a hand

Timothy Golden2 years ago
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)
part I stop sinning (behave!)(stop being a dumb-he!)
part II start saving (act!)(start being a smart-he!)
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (tunc)
part I cease to do evil
part II learn to do well
ho ho ho
bro(t)her! G-D knows who’s naughty and who’s nice