4 min readDec 20, 2019

shouldn’t America’s poor military get paid more than America’s rich Border Patrol since more military men and women die on-the-job or are maimed on-the-job each year, NY FBI?

did FBI tell Uncle Sham to pay America’s poor military men and women the same as America’s rich Border Patrol yet?

shouldn’t America’s poor military men (and women) get paid
the same as America’s rich Border Patrol?


Border Patrol salaries vs Military salaries “let’s get ready to grumble!”

Start as a BPA GL-5 in December 2017 and make $52,583/yr
Be promoted in December 2018 to GL-7 and make $62,949/yr
Be promoted in December 2019 to GL-9 and make $70,784/yr
Be promoted in December 2020 to GS-11 and make $83,054/yr
Be promoted in December 2021 to GS-12 and make $97,486/yr


E-1 $1,600 per month or $19,200 per year
E-2 $1,793 per month or $21,516 per year
E-3 $22,630 — $25,510 per year
E-4s $25,067 — $30,427 per year
E-4c $25,067 — $30,427 per year
E-5 $27,338 — $38,794 per year
E-6 $29,840 — $46,220 per year









Q: should America’s next president be a rocker or a rapper?


Q: aren’t y’all [Republican Party and Democratic Party] cults?
Q: aren’t y’all [Republican Party + Democratic Party] dead+wood ?





Timothy Golden — Google+


JESUS spanking goiliath (unethical + incompetent goivernment) site:medium.com at DuckDuckGo


y’all [pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS] better start righting before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”