5 min readFeb 16, 2020

JESUS spanking goiliath (unethical + incompetent goivernment) site:medium.com at DuckDuckGo

is Goivernor Cuomo a Fighter for All the People if Goivernor Cuomo lets 8 non-attorneys examine and rescind NYS WCALJudges’ decisions?
Goivernor Cuomo let a non-attorney with a HS diploma examine and rescind my NYS WCALJudge’s decision

Dear Goivernor Cuomo, to eliminate IME doctor bribery make law: doctors who perform Independent Medical Examinations shall get paid the same as the claimanT’s treating physician per office visit of $49.95 (and not a penny more)
Dear FBI, how much do cut-off IME doctors get paid per office visit compared to the claimanT’s treating physician of $49,95 (in 2011)?

iF Goivernor Cuomo gave one woman 3 Inspector General Jobs Then did Goivernor Cuomo give one woman 3 Inspector General Salaries, NY FBI?
Goivernor Cuomo let a non-attorney with a HS diploma examine and rescind my NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson’s decision

Dear NY FBI, if medical examination table paper existed in 1930 then why didn’t chiropractic IME Kiesecker believe in it (in 2010)?
Dear NY FBI, if sanitary paper was law (in doctors’ offices) by 1973 then why did chiropractic IME Kiesecker tell me to “climb up!” onto his old exam table which had no sanitary paper on it?

did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Heightgate and VIAGRAgate and Polygraphgate yet?
did FBI tell these 4 about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot PUTgate and Heightgate yet?

SCOTUS! what have you done to stop the 3 stooges (haha haman) from intentionally under-staffing EEOC for(e!) 50 years?
Dear Justice Ginsburg, is not [Trump + Con gress] under-staffing EEOC unconstitutional and unethical and anti-woman and anti-laborer?

Trump’s ‘black budget’ + USIC = did FBI tell USIC about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Heightgate yet?

God Through IOA ordered FBI to spoon-feed COTUS God’s Mail
— The Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980

Executive Branch! spoon-feed the Legislative Branch God’s Mail
if you eat God’s Mail then you must exorcise (right wrongs)

if you eat God’s Mail then you must exorcise (right wrongs)
Q: what happens to spirits if spirits eat God’s Mail and then spirits don’t exorcise (right wrongs)?

teacher charged — Google Search

teacher charged — Bing

Female teachers charged or convicted of having sex with students

Notorious teacher sex scandals
Teachers accused of sex with their young students

Teacher, 27, arrested for ‘romping’ with 13-year-old lad on school premises


chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]