3 min readAug 13, 2019

recovery of NYS Workers’ Compensation Board’s costs are paid by employers and employers’ carriers. Assessments against carriers are passed on to employers (dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb)

why have I, claimanT, been waiting 6 years for Verizon’s carrier, Sedgwick Claims, to offer me my NYS Workers’ Compensation Section 32 Agreement?
why have I, claimanT, been waiting 5 years for Sedgwick Claims to offer me my NYS Workers’ Compensation Section 32 Agreement?


On 9/6/2013, Goivernor Cuomo let 2 non-attorneys (Williams and Higgins) ‘examine and rescind’ my NYS WCALJudge’s decision
my attorneys at Fine, Olin & Anderman requested a Full Board Review


Goivernor Cuomo let a non-attorney with a HS diploma examine and rescind my NYS WCALJudge’s decision
seeing is believing


Goivernor Cuomo let a nurse, Frances Libous, examine my
NYS WCALJudge’s decision and then deny me a Full Board Review

Dear Congressman King, Goivernor Cuomo let 2 non-attorneys (Higgins and Williams) ‘examine and rescind’ my NYS WCALJudge’s decision so Whatcha Gonna Do, Brother?


Cuomo slams ‘impotent’ NYPD cops vs IME doctor fraud
I wrote to NYS WCB chair Beloten (5 Times!) about IME doctor fraud but he never wrote ‘me back’ (so sad and how silly)


Q: what did orthopedic IME Moriarty write in his IME report about me? A: I saw claimanT reading The Torah with a magnifying glass


IME Moriarty wrote in his IME report about me [HE HE HE]:
1) claimanT is bizarre (that’s libel!


“claimanT suffers from a severe psychiatric disorder.” — orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011
“I saw claimanT reading The Torah with a magnifying glass.”


doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of government are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?

Dear ABA, if 51% of Touro Law Center students failed the July bar exam
then why are 8 non-attorneys (Goivernor Cuomo appointed) examining and rescinding NYS WCALJudges’ decisions?


let’s start celebrating Mary Donlon Day
let’s start celebrating “Mary Donlon Day” before JESUS shows up and puts y’all in God’s T orah


y’all [legislators, lawyers, judges] better start righting before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”

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