wingnut (Good) vs wingnut (Bad)

78 min readDec 27, 2023


Dear NY FBI, a wingnut (Good) would have prevented my son’s 2015 Dodge Dart from breaking down (coming back from Harlem at 4:00 AM) because a cheap plastic shift linkage bushing broke due to age + wear and tear

Dear NY FBI, To prevent wingnuts and job hogs from becoming council members or mayors or governors or senators or representatives or presidents, make the 28th Amendment law (in 2024): All candidates must pass many Tests: GPA of A + Polygraph + IQ of 130 or higher + Ethics + History + Psychological + Money Management + X-rays to prove bone spurs + Height measured on TV (without shoes on) + Medical records to prove childhood asthma + Mandatory Retirement Age of 75 because Life Expectancy is 77

It has been shown that scores on IQ tests actually decrease with age. This chart shows how scores on Wechsler IQ tests peak between 25 and 29 years old, then decline throughout the rest of adulthood, with a decline becoming more steep after the age of 70.

Justice Ginsburg, 87, says she’s not retiring vs don’t be a job hog + don’t be an America hog + don’t be a God hog — T im Golden4!e years ago

Tim Golden4 years ago Friday, September 18, 2015 7:36 PM

don’t be an America hog don’t be a God hog don’t be a job hog — Google Search

don’t be an America hog
don’t be a God hog
— Tim Golden • 3 years ago

don’t be a job hog

don’t be an America hog
don’t be a God hog
Tim Golden3 years ago

don’t be a job hog


Dear NYS Supreme Court, is not Democratic Goivernor Cuomo appointing 8 non-attorneys to ‘examine and rescind’ NYS WCALJudges’ decisions unconstitutional and unethical and anti-laborer?
Dear ABA, if 51% of Touro Law Center students failed the July Bar Exam
then why are 8 non-attorneys (Goivernor Cuomo appointed) ‘examining and rescinding’ NYS WCALJudges’ decisions?






Dear ABA, if 51% of Touro Law Center students failed July bar exam
then why are 8 non-attorneys (Governor Cuomo appointed) ‘examining and rescinding’ sitting NYS WCALJudges’ decisions?

On 9/6/2013, 2 non-attorney NYS WCB commissioners (Higgins and Williams) examined and rescinded my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?

my attorneys at Fine, Olin & Anderman requested a Full Board Review


non-attorney NYS WCB commissioner Frances Libous (a nurse and wife of senator Thomas Libous) examined my NYS WCALJudge’s decision and then denied me a Full Board Review

Frances Libous resigned after NY FBI raided her home

let’s review

On November 2, 2009 I suffered an on-duty Verizon work-accident and sustained injuries to my back my neck my shoulder

On March 28, 2013 NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson classified me as having Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) and awarded me $600/wk for 375 weeks

On 9/6/2013, 2 non-attorney NYS WCB commissioners (Higgins and Williams) examined and rescinded my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?

my attorneys at Fine, Olin & Anderman requested a Full Board Review

On 11/25/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten solely denied me a Full Board Review

On 12/12/2013 the Third Judicial Department decided that
“only a three member panel can deny a Full Board Review”
(see Scalo v. Perry & Sons)

On 12/27/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten got 2 subordinates
(Libous and Munnelly) to sign order denying me
a Full Board Review (FBR).


Q1: was not Munnelly NYS WCB general counsel and NYS WCB ethics officer?
Q2: how much (t)ime did each person spend ‘reviewing’ (examining)
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q3: did Libous (who is a nurse?) sign order denying me a FBR
while in Florida or while in New York?
Q4: why is a nurse (or any non-attorney) ‘reviewing’ (examining)
any NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q5: if Munnelly + 2 non-attorneys ‘reviewed and rescinded’
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision in September 2013
then why is Munnelly again being asked by his boss to deny me
a Full Board Review (FBR)?


I immediately filed a written complaint with Congressman King Congressman King forwarded complaint to senator Fuschillo senator Fuschillo resigned

On July 28, 2014 Verizon notified MetLife Disability (Verizon’s administrator of Disability) that Verizon could not accommodate my work restrictions

_________________[cock-a-doodle do!o] [cock-a-doodle do!o]
U.S. Department of Justice,
wakie wakie and grab your Google (your reel)
let’s go fishing!
on G-D’S web
Insurance carriers are reminded of their obligation to offer
a Section 32 agreement
to settle compensation and other benefits due to the claimanT
within six months of a PPD classification.
Such an offer shall be made to the claimant’s legal representative,
if one exists.
If not, the offer shall also include a statement of rights, obligations, and potential liabilities
if the offer is accepted (WCL §32(a)).
(google it! vs yahoo! it vs duckduckgo it! vs bring it!)
Q: did y’all ‘catch and reel in’ (t)HIS:





Dear Congressman King, 2 non-attorney NYS WCB commissioners (Goivernor Cuomo appointed) ‘examined and rescinded’ my NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson’s decision so Whatcha Gonna Do, Brother?
Timothy Golden Nov 13, 2014


Dear Goivernor Cuomo and NYS senators,
if ONLY employers fund the NYS Workers’ Compensation System then is not that a COI (Conflict Of Interest)?



JESUS spanking goliath at DuckDuckGo



chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]

or else

shaming Albany’s so-called “three dinosaurs in a room”


Dear Cuomo Silver Skelos, if ONLY employers fund the NYS Workers’ Compensation System then that’s a Conflict Of Interest, right NY FBI?



Dear NY FBI, do you remember the time I fed you God’s Mail (in 2011)?
TimGolden • 3 years ago Wednesday, September 17, 2014 9:47 PM


my mother worked for NY FBI
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to NY FBI”

then I heard God say, “son!
you’re gonna give it to NY FBI alright”


I arrived (30 minutes) early to my Social Security Disability hearing
(on Broadway) in Jericho.
A woman (who I had never met before) said, “Mr. Golden?”
I said, “yes.”
She said, “I’m your…


Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass


I (knocked) wrote to(o) NYS WCB chair Beloten 5 Times!
he never wrote ‘me back’ (so sad and how silly)











Q: do you ‘see’ anything wrong with one person ‘having and holding’
3 Inspector General jobs?

TimboGolden OCTOBER 25, 2016 AT 8:25 AM
U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: do you ‘see’ anything wrong with one person…



U.S. Department of Justice, while you were sleeping I went fishing on God’s web…
U.S. Department of Justice, while you were sleeping I went fishing on God’s web look at what I caught and reeled in:



Dear NY FBI, should I take these cards to PSA or my FATHER to be graded?



TimGolden3 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
On 9/6/2013 NYS WCB commissioner(s) Munnelly + (2 non-attorneys)
Williams and Higgins ‘reviewed (examined) and rescinded’
my NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson’s decision.
My attorneys at Fine, Olin & Anderman appealed and requested
a Full Board Review (FBR).
On 11/25/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten solely denied me
a Full Board Review.
On 12/12/2013 the Third Judicial Department decided that
“only a three member panel can deny a Full Board Review”
(see Scalo v. Perry & Sons)
On 12/27/2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten got 2 subordinates (Libous and Munnelly) to sign order denying me
a Full Board Review (FBR).
Q1: was not Munnelly NYS WCB general counsel and NYS WCB ethics officer?
Q2: how much time did each person (he/she) spend ‘reviewing’ (examining)
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q3: did Libous sign order denying me a Full Board Review
while in Florida or while in New York?
Q4: is not Libous a nurse?
why is a nurse ‘reviewing’ (examining) a NYS WCALJudge’s decision?
Q5: if Munnelly + 2 non-attorneys ‘reviewed (examined) and rescinded
my NYS WCALJudge’s decision in September 2013
then why o why is Munnelly again being asked by his boss to deny me
a Full Board Review?
Trust but Verify
NYS WCB commissioner bios
(google it! bing it! ask it! aol it! yahoo it! info it! wow it! dogpile it!)

TimGolden3 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
I wrote to NYS WCB chair Beloten 5 times! about IME doctor fraud;
NYS WCB chair Beloten never wrote ‘me back’ (so sad).
A guy Garcia called me (from 518-xxx-xxxx) and said, “Mr. Golden,
what can we (The Board?) do about it?”
I said, “I gave your boss:
1) the universal IME form with carbon copy
(no more 2 minute phony Independent Medical Examinations)
2) the NYS WC Claimants’ BILL of RIGHTS.”
I said, “I wrote to your boss 5 times! (‘I got back and I am saving’
those 5 green cards USPS Form 3811s) and told him to give it to the FBI.”
Garcia said, “we don’t want them involved.”
On that day, I wrote to the FBI.
The New York Times blew the whistle on IME doctor fraud in 2009:
“Exams of Injured Workers Fuel Mutual Mistrust”
Since 2007, there’s a ‘Standard for Independent Medical Examinations’.
(google it! or bing it! or wow it!)
U.S. Department of Justice,
If employers get (here sweet·heart have) a NYS WCB Employers’ Handbook
then should not all claimanTs get a NYS WC Claimants’ Handbook

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! don’t ever be afraid to(o) deliver G-D’S Mail

TimGolden3 years ago
to all U.S. legislators,
if you want (desire) to help millions of girls and women
now and in the future
then make law!
Lily’s Law: 21 to buy laxatives; keep laxatives behind counter
so(w!) THAT
kids don’t steal laxatives!
laxatives are addictive and do cause serious internal injuries
to all U.S. legislators,
don’t tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
if you are unwilling to show us THAT
‘tell and show’
to all U.S. legislators,
if you tell us THAT (you are pro-woman and pro-girl power)
then you show us THAT
by(e bye) you doing your best to(o) make Lily’s Law law

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! do your best to(o)
be pro-woman and pro-girl power
G-D is!

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! let’s pray (yea!)
for the EEOC and OSHA to(o)
go global!

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! I do don’t you want (desire) to ‘see and hear’:
1) a Chinese pope right wrongs for G-D!
2) a Jewish US president right wrongs for G-D!

TimGolden3 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
on G-D’S web
look at what I caught and reeled in:
NYS WCB commissioner bios
(google it! ask it! aol it! yahoo it! bing it! info it! wow it! dogpile it!)
eat! eat!
U.S. Department of Justice,
when you delivered the FDNY the news “hire! all people
(not just friends and family)”
did you (DOJ) go down the FDNY’s chimney?
did you (DOJ) kick the FDNY’s door down?

TimGolden3 years ago
U.S. Department of Justice,
while you were sleeping I went fishing
on G-D’S web
look at what I caught and reeled in:
NYS WCB 2001 Annual Report
NYS WCB 2006 Annual Report
eat! eat!
U.S. Department of Justice,
how many Indian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many African-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Asian-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Latin-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many Native-American women and men do you see in reports?
how many ME-American women and men do you see in reports?
someone call the cops!
(someone call the EEOC!)

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! don’t hate cavemen; help G-D to(o) educate cavemen

TimGolden3 years ago
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) fame nor to(o) fortune
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) power nor to(o) praise
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) booze nor to(o) (Imelda’s silver) shoes
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) pills nor to(o) terrestrial thrills
bro(t)her! cling not to(o) the sun nor to(o) a teeny tiny gun
bro(t)her! these terrestrial things are your doll’s dolls
Q: bro(t)her! what’s your doll?
A: “that man!”s skin you (wee spirit) are in
bro(t)her! cling to G-D

TimGolden3 years ago
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (nunc)
part I stop sinning (behave!)(stop being a dumb-he!)
part II start saving (act!)(start being a smart-he!)
G-D’S Two Part Plan for man (tunc)
part I cease to do evil
part II learn to do well
ho ho ho
bro(t)her! G-D knows who’s naughty and who’s nice



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FATHER! (t)HIS is Too FUN ny




y’all [legislators, lawyers and judges] better start righting before G-D says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”




Dear NY FBI, When JESUS returns will HE walk through Golden Gate first or Employer IME Doctor Bribery & Fraudgate and EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Polygraphgate and Heightgate and SECgate and SHOT PUTgate?,the%20former%20gate%20at%20this

Dear NY FBI, Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass The claimant’s severe psychiatric/psychological disorder at this time Do not resend claimant in that he frightened myself and my office staff

Dear NY FBI, Physicians must not submit false or malicious reports so Whatcha Gonna Do, Brothers and Sisters of Jesus?

Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass
There is a surveillance report: On July 18, 2011, the claimant drove to a medical building while carrying a stack of papers

Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

There is a surveillance report: On July 18, 2011, the claimant drove to a medical building while carrying a stack of papers

Dear NY FBI, did NYS WCB chair Beloten or NYS Department of Health OPMC do anything at all to discipline Verizon’s IME Moriarty because physicians must not submit false or malicious reports. The New York State Health Department’s Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) and the state Board for Professional Medical Conduct (board) are responsible for investigating and adjudicating complaints against physicians. p.s. “take a bite!”

Dear NY FBI, Verizon failed to return me to work after receiving their orthopedic IME Moriarty report. How much did Verizon pay for their orthopedic IME Moriarty report? Verizon never offered me a Reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position to appropriately and effectively accommodate my medical restriction of not lifting and carrying more than 10 pounds which would include Verizon’s 28 ft 74 pound ladders.

Dear NY FBI, did Verizon and Sedgwick Claims pay yet for their orthopedic IME Moriarty’s report about me This claimant is bizarre I saw the claimant reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter

He carried numerous religious books He suffers from a severe psychiatric/psychological disorder He frightened myself and my office staff


There is a surveillance report. On 7/18/2011, the claimanT drove to a medical building [orthopedic IME Moriarty] while carrying a stack of papers.
I saw claimant reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

There is a surveillance report. On 7/18/2011, the claimanT drove to a medical building [orthopedic IME Moriarty] while carrying a stack of papers.

TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter

I saw claimant reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

This claimanT is bizarre — orthopedic IME Moriarty

I saw the claimanT reading The Torah with a large magnifying glass
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

claimanT is bizarre — orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

claimanT suffers from a severe psychological disorder
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

do not resend claimanT. He frightened myself and my office staff
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

= p.s. “take a bite!”

How do you like them apples! p.s. “take a bite!”












+ p.s. take a bite!


chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]


Q1: would y’all FBI call God’s Mail a stack of papers?

Q2: Dear NY FBI, do you remember the time I fed you God’s Mail?

Q3: did Verizon or Verizon’s carrier, Sedgwick Claims, pay for that surveillance report?



The latest Tweets from TimGolden (@treasurelife911): “The Universal IME Form w/carbon copy 1) I fed to FBI


did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and SHOT PUTgate and Heightgate and Polygraphgate and VIAGRAgate and SECgate yet?
did FBI tell these 4 about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot PUTgate and Heightgate yet?


sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]


you can stop IME doctor fraud with the universal IME form w/carbon copy — Timothy Golden • July 13, 2014
I fed The Universal IME Form w/carbon copy to NY FBI and Congressman King on 1/7/11; seeing is believing


you can stop IME doctor fraud with the universal IME form w/carbon copy — Timothy Golden • July 13, 2014
I fed The Universal IME Form w/carbon copy to NY FBI and Congressman King on 1/7/11; seeing is believing


y’all [legislators, lawyers, judges] better start righting before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man and woman (pencils) down!”


Golden v Verizon

Dear NY FBI, when JESUS returns will HE be riding a donkey or man y donkeys?
Dear NY FBI, aren’t the Republican Party and Democratic Party cults?

The Book of Donkeys

Dear NY FBI, when JESUS returns will HE be returning to a planet of apes?
Olivia Tamayo, a Mexican immigrant and a mother of five, said that she was raped at gunpoint by her supervisor

Dear NY FBI, when JESUS returns will HE be returning to a planet of apes?
Trump: America ‘worships God, not goivernment’ vs
Trump to Seek [God? nyet!] $54 Billion Increase in Military Spending

Dear NY FBI, when JESUS returns will HE kick each devil’s fanny or will HE spank each devil’s fanny or both?

TimGolden — Medium

There are giant branches hanging over the SOB in Seaford so before a giant branch falls onto the windshield of a passing school bus or police car prune them, right NY FBI?

TimGolden — Medium
TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter
TimboGolden — Medium

Joe & Jill Biden made $22 MILLION (from 1998 to 2019) + Joe & Jill Biden get $4,555 a month in Social Security = To save Social Security, take Social Security away from the rich old Christians, right NY FBI?

TimGolden — Medium

JESUS and the rich young man vs JESUS and the rich old Christians

JESUS and the rich young man vs JESUS and the rich old Christians

TimGolden — Medium

EEOCgate: Uncle Sham slashed EEOC’s workforce from 3,390 (in 1980) to 1,927 (in 2021) so where’s SCOTUS, NY FBI?
EEOCgate: Nixon employed 2,416 EEOC employees (in 1974) vs Trump employed 1,968 EEOC employees (in 2018) so Dear NY FBI,

EEOCgate: Uncle Sham slashed EEOC’s workforce from 3,390 (in 1980) to 1,927 (in 2021) so where’s SCOTUS, NY FBI?

TimGolden — Medium
TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter
EEOC Budget and Staffing History 1980 to Present

EEOCgate: Nixon employed 2,416 EEOC employees (in 1974) vs Trump employed 1,968 EEOC employees (in 2018) so Dear NY FBI,

TimGolden — Medium

History of Bowling vs History of EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)
Americans love voting for presidential candidates who are dumber than themselves so 28th Amendment:

History of Bowling vs History of EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter

Americans love voting for presidential candidates who are dumber than themselves so 28th Amendment: All presidential candidates must pass many Tests: GPA of A + Polygraph + Ethics + IQ + History + Critical Thinking + Psychological + Money Management +

TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter

First they ignore you Then they ridicule you Then they attack you And then they build monuments to you — Nicholas Klein, 1916
I Told NY FBI (in 2011) to install breathalyzers in all (new + old) cars or else

Verizon will provide reasonable accommodations to enable an employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of a position that he/she holds or seeks (Promises, Promises)

To: Director Ronald L Davis | US Marshals Service I have been waiting 240 Days and 240 Nights for US Marshals to serve Verizon Verizon is 8/10 mile away Golden v Verizon (1:22-cv-05757) There should be a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries (Summonses & Complaints) There are tracking systems for Home Depot deliveries and Amazon deliveries; it is 2023! + = To: Director Ronald L Davis | US Marshals Service I have been waiting 240 Days and 240 Nights for US Marshals to serve Verizon Verizon is 8/10 mile away Golden v Verizon (1:22-cv-05757) There should be a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries (Summonses & Complaints) There are tracking systems for Home Depot deliveries and Amazon deliveries; it is 2023!

Civil Process

The U.S. Marshals Service is primarily responsible for the service of civil process. If service of civil process can more easily be effected by someone other than U.S. Marshals Service personnel, the court or the U.S. Attorney may appoint or approve an alternative server.

catching God’s Words is FUN vs releasing God’s Words is FUNNER
Bush & Obama & Trump & Biden slashed EEOC employees from 2,852 (in 2001) to 1,927 (in 2021)

Verizon will provide reasonable accommodations to enable an employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of a position that he/she holds or seeks (Promises, Promises)

Verizon will provide reasonable accommodations to enable an employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of a position that he/she holds or desires (Promises, Promises) p.s. “take a bite!”

From 2010–2018, Verizon never offered me a reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position (even though it is the law)
From 2010–2018, Verizon never engaged me in the ADA interactive process (even though it is the law)

From 2010–2018, Verizon never offered me a reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position (even though it is the law)

From 2010–2018, Verizon never engaged me in the ADA interactive process (even though it is the law)

Failure to engage in the ADA interactive process within a reasonable time is a violation of the law
I’ve been waiting 12 years for Verizon to return me to work with a reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position

Judge Ronnie Abrams and Judge Jennifer Willis and I have been waiting 160 Days and 160 Nights for the US Marshals to serve Verizon so Dear NY FBI, tell the US Marshals to create a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries [Complaints and Summonses]

Judge Ronnie Abrams and Judge Jennifer Willis and I have been waiting 160 Days and 160 Nights for the US Marshals to serve Verizon so Dear NY FBI, tell the US Marshals to create a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries [Complaints and Summonses]

To: Judge Ronnie Abrams You and I have been waiting 120 Days and 120 Nights for the US Marshals to serve Verizon Verizon is 3 miles away Create a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries [Complaints and Summonses]
Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

To: Judge Ronnie Abrams You and I have been waiting 120 Days and 120 Nights for the US Marshals to serve Verizon Verizon is 3 miles away Order the US Marshals to create a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries [Complaints and Summonses]

Verizon and Sedgwick Claims’ IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

There is a surveillance report: On July 18, 2011, the claimant drove to a medical building while carrying a stack of papers

Dear NY FBI, did Verizon or Sedgwick Claims or NYS WCB chair Beloten or NYS Department of Health OPMC do anything at all to discipline Verizon’s IME Moriarty because physicians must not submit false or malicious reports. The New York State Health Department’s Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) and the state Board for Professional Medical Conduct (board) are responsible for investigating and adjudicating complaints against physicians. p.s. “take a bite!”

Dear NY FBI, Verizon failed to return me to work after receiving their orthopedic IME Moriarty report. How much did Verizon pay for their orthopedic IME Moriarty report? Verizon never offered me a Reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position to appropriately and effectively accommodate my work restriction of not lifting and carrying more than 10 pounds which would include Verizon’s 28 ft 74 pound ladders.

If Sedgwick Claims has a responsibility to actively assist me in returning to work, Then why hasn’t Sedgwick Claims assisted me at all (in 10 years), NY FBI?
If NYS Senate (in 2007) said, “Insurance carriers shall offer each claimant a Section 32 settlement within 6 months of a PPD classification, then why has Verizon’s insurance carrier Sedgwick Claims kept me waiting 7 years, NY FBI?

my mother worked for NY FBI
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to NY FBI”

then I heard God say, “son!
you’re gonna give it to NY FBI alright”

Dear NY FBI, did Verizon and Sedgwick Claims pay yet for their orthopedic IME Moriarty’s report about me This claimant is bizarre I saw the claimant reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass

TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter

He carried numerous religious books He suffers from a severe psychiatric/psychological disorder He frightened myself and my office staff


There is a surveillance report. On 7/18/2011, the claimanT drove to a medical building [orthopedic IME Moriarty] while carrying a stack of papers.
I saw claimant reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

There is a surveillance report. On 7/18/2011, the claimanT drove to a medical building [orthopedic IME Moriarty] while carrying a stack of papers.

TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter

I saw claimant reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

This claimanT is bizarre — orthopedic IME Moriarty

I saw the claimanT reading The Torah with a large magnifying glass
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

claimanT is bizarre — orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

claimanT suffers from a severe psychological disorder
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

do not resend claimanT. He frightened myself and my office staff
— orthopedic IME Moriarty, July 18, 2011

= p.s. “take a bite!”

How do you like them apples! p.s. “take a bite!”












+ p.s. take a bite!


chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]


Q1: would y’all FBI call God’s Mail a stack of papers?

Q2: Dear NY FBI, do you remember the time I fed you God’s Mail?

Q3: did Verizon or Verizon’s carrier, Sedgwick Claims, pay for that surveillance report?



The latest Tweets from TimGolden (@treasurelife911): “The Universal IME Form w/carbon copy 1) I fed to FBI


did FBI tell pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and SHOT PUTgate and Heightgate and Polygraphgate and VIAGRAgate and SECgate yet?
did FBI tell these 4 about EEOCgate and OSHAgate and Debtgate and Breathalyzergate and Shot PUTgate and Heightgate yet?


sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]


you can stop IME doctor fraud with the universal IME form w/carbon copy — Timothy Golden • July 13, 2014
I fed The Universal IME Form w/carbon copy to NY FBI and Congressman King on 1/7/11; seeing is believing


you can stop IME doctor fraud with the universal IME form w/carbon copy — Timothy Golden • July 13, 2014
I fed The Universal IME Form w/carbon copy to NY FBI and Congressman King on 1/7/11; seeing is believing


y’all [legislators, lawyers, judges] better start righting before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man and woman (pencils) down!”


Dear NY FBI, I have been waiting 110 Days and 110 Nights for the US Marshals to serve Verizon Verizon is only 3 miles away Golden_v_Verizon (1:22-cv-05757) p.s. “take a bite!”

Dear NY FBI, tell the US Marshals to create a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries [Complaints and Summonses] before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man and woman (dolls) down!”

Dear NY FBI, why have I been waiting 100 Days and 100 Nights for the US Marshals to serve Verizon if Verizon is only 3 miles away Golden_v_Verizon (1:22-cv-05757)

TimGolden — Medium


Without a tracking system, federal judges, like yourself, and plaintiffs, like myself, are kept in the dark. A tracking system will make the U.S. Marshals Service more transparent and more accountable. Document filed by Timothy J. Golden.(sc)

To: Director Ronald L Davis | US Marshals Service Judge Ronnie Abrams and I have been waiting 90 Days and 90 Nights for US Marshals to serve Verizon Verizon is 3 miles away Golden v Verizon (1:22-cv-05757) There should be a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries (Summonses) There are tracking systems for Home Depot deliveries and Amazon deliveries; it is 2022!

There should be a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries (Summonses) There are tracking systems for Home Depot deliveries and Amazon deliveries Judge Ronnie Abrams and I have been waiting 90 Days and 90 Nights for US Marshals to serve Verizon Verizon is 3 miles away Golden v. Verizon (1:22-cv-05757)

Dear NY FBI, why isn’t there a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries (Summonses) if there are tracking systems for Home Depot deliveries and Amazon deliveries; it is 2022!

Dear NY FBI, why have I been waiting 90 Days and 90 Nights for the US Marshals to serve Verizon Verizon is only 3 miles away Golden_v_Verizon (1:22-cv-05757)

Golden v. Verizon (1:22-cv-05757), New York Southern District Court

To: Kefira Wilderman There should be a tracking system for US Marshals deliveries [Summonses]; it is 2022!

TimGolden — Medium
TimGolden (@treasurelife911) · Twitter

Golden v. Verizon
ORDER OF SERVICE RONNIE ABRAMS, United States District Judge: Plaintiff brings this pro se action under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Golden v. Verizon, 22-CV-5757 (RA) | S.D.N.Y., Judgment, Law,
RONNIE ABRAMS, United States District Judge

Dear NY FBI, Courts should isolate the cause of the breakdown in the ADA interactive process and assign responsibility, right? p.s. “take a bite!”

Dear NY FBI, the employee does not have the burden of identifying all available open positions without the employer’s assistance
Golden_v_Verizon (2022)

Dear NY FBI, the employee does not have the burden of identifying all available open positions without the employer’s assistance

Golden_v_Verizon (2022)

An employer may not simply object to the proposed reasonable accommodations identified by the employee; the employer must also attempt to identify reasonable accommodations,+in+the+face+of+a+request+for+accommodation,+simply+to+sit+back+passively,+offer+nothing,+and+then,+in+post-termination+litigation,+try+to+knock+down+every+specific+accommodation+as+too+burdensome.%E2%80%9D&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEgb6l7cL6AhUUlIkEHbXkAaEQ6AF6BAgHEAI#v=onepage&q=%E2%80%9CThe%20interactive%20process%20would%20have%20little%20meaning%20if%20it%20was%20interpreted%20to%20allow%20employers%2C%20in%20the%20face%20of%20a%20request%20for%20accommodation%2C%20simply%20to%20sit%20back%20passively%2C%20offer%20nothing%2C%20and%20then%2C%20in%20post-termination%20litigation%2C%20try%20to%20knock%20down%20every%20specific%20accommodation%20as%20too%20burdensome.%E2%80%9D&f=false

Golden_v_Verizon (2022)

Name that case: The Plaintiff was injured on the job and could no longer perform the essential function of his current position at Verizon as a FIOS Field Technician. 5 Verizon IME reports restricted his lifting to 10-pounds, so he could not lift Verizon’s 74-pound ladder daily, so why didn’t Verizon offer the Plaintiff a reassignment to a vacant equal position or even a vacant lower position (from 2010 to 2018), NY FBI?

reassignment to a vacant equal position must be provided to an employee who, because of a disability, can no longer perform the essential functions of his/her current position, right NY FBI?

Dear NY FBI, why didn’t Verizon offer me a reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position from 2010 to 2018 if it’s the law?

Dear NY FBI, because Verizon didn’t offer me a reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position from 2010 to 2018, Social Security Administration says I do not qualify for SSA disability benefits.

Dear NY FBI, Verizon’s failure to engage little old me in the ADA interactive process (from 2010 to 2018) resulted in Verizon’s failure to identify an appropriate accommodation for little old me, so will Verizon ever learn before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man and woman (dolls) down!”?

Taylor v Phoenixville SD (1999) VS Golden v Verizon (2022)

We would add the employer had ample time to seek legal advice on its obligation to provide reasonable accommodations

Fedro v Reno VS Golden_v_Verizon
In 1989, reassignment to a vacant equal position was not the law VS In 1990, reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position is the law

Fedro v Reno VS Golden_v_Verizon

In 1989, reassignment to a vacant equal position was not the law VS In 1990, reassignment to a vacant equal position is the law

Before the ADA of 1990, the US Marshals was not required to consider Fedro for vacant positions for which he did not apply

After the ADA of 1990, the US Marshals is required to consider Fedro for vacant equal positions and for vacant lower positions for which he did not apply

A temporary position is not a reasonable accommodation Reassignment to a vacant position is a reasonable accommodation, right NY FBI?

It is undisputed that both parties understood early on that he was unlikely ever to be able to return to his current position as a Verizon FIOS Field Technician In 2010, 5 Verizon IME reports restricted his lifting to 10 pounds At that point, the focus should have turned to a reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position, right NY FBI?

Reassignment means the employee gets the vacant equal position or the vacant lower position if he is qualified, right NY FBI?

The core word ‘assign’ implies active effort on the employer’s part, right NY FBI?

“reassignment to a vacant position” (76) must be provided to an employee who can no longer perform the essential functions of his/her current position because of a disability, right NY FBI?

reassignment to a vacant position is not limited to those vacancies within an employee’s office, branch, agency, department, facility, personnel system, or geographical area, right NY FBI?

Name that case: The Plaintiff was injured on the job and could no longer perform the essential function of his current position at Verizon as a FIOS Field Technician. Verizon’s IME doctors restricted his lifting to 10 pounds so he could not lift Verizon’s 74 pound ladder daily so why didn’t Verizon offer the Plaintiff a reassignment to a vacant equal position or even a vacant lower position (from 2010 to 2018), NY FBI?

reassignment to a vacant equal position must be provided to an employee who, because of a disability, can no longer perform the essential functions of his/her current position, right NY FBI?

Dear NY FBI, why didn’t Verizon offer me a reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position from 2010 to 2018 if it’s the law?

Dear NY FBI, because Verizon didn’t offer me a reassignment to a vacant equal position or a vacant lower position from 2010 to 2018, Social Security Administration says I do not qualify for SSA disability benefits.

Dear NY FBI, Verizon’s failure to engage little old me in the ADA interactive process (from 2010 to 2018) resulted in Verizon’s failure to identify an appropriate accommodation for little old me, so will Verizon ever learn before God says, “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man and woman (dolls) down!”?

my mother worked for NY FBI
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to NY FBI”

then I heard God say, “son!
you’re gonna give it to NY FBI alright”

I arrived (30 minutes) early to my Social Security Disability hearing
(on Broadway) in Jericho.
A woman (who I had never met before) said, “Mr. Golden?”
I said, “yes.”
She said, “I’m your…

Dear NY FBI, did Verizon and Sedgwick Claims pay yet for their IME Moriarty’s report about me? This claimant is bizarre. He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass.

Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass.
There is a surveillance report: On July 18, 2011, the claimant drove to a medical building while carrying a stack of papers.

Let’s Under-Staff EEOC Again and Again and Again and Again (duh!)
Let’s Make America Great Again
Let’s Under-Staff EEOC Again and Again and Again and Again (duh!)
EEOC staffing has been slashed by(e bye) 40% since Reagan

Uncle Sham [Presidents + OMB + Congress] should be ashamed of EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden), right NY FBI?
Bush slashed EEOC’s workforce from 2,924 employees in 2002 to 2,158 employees in 2007; with friends like you, who needs…

Bush and Obama under-staffed EEOC for(e!) 16 years, why NY FBI?
is it moral for(e!) a pOTUS to spend 333 days golfing while his EEOC sends out 587,000 ‘no reasonable cause’ letters to People Of The United States who are vicTims of workplace harassment and discrimination and retaliation, NY FBI?

I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter on June 9, 2015 (duh!)

Dear NY FBI, I fed Trump’s EEOC God’s Mail on November 3, 2020 and then Trump’s EEOC choked:
Dear NY FBI, I fed Trump’s EEOC God’s Mail on November 27, 2020 and then Trump’s EEOC choked:

Attention: NY EEOC District Director Judy Keenan, NY EEOC supervisor Perry Canales called me on Dec 10, 2020 at 8:25 AM and hung up.
I called NY EEOC supervisor Perry Canales right back and left him a long message, summarizing my 2 written and signed…

NY EEOC reviews (as of 10/11/2021): “These people don’t help anybody” “Refused to talk to me or witnesses” “NY EEOC wasted my time”
chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail] and do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)] or else

Dear NY FBI, I fed Biden’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Biden’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me ANOTHER ‘no reasonable cause’ letter on 4/7/2022

Carter’s EEOC vs Obama’s EEOC vs Biden’s EEOC
In 1980, Carter employed 3,390 EEOC employees vs
In 2015, Obama employed 2,190 EEOC employees vs
In 2021, Biden employed 1,927 EEOC employees so

(Then) In Genesis 4:9, God asks Cain where Able is and Cain replies, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
(Today) Dear NY FBI, is under-staffing EEOC for 57 years righteous or evil?

The Clerk of the Court for the SDNY hand delivered my Complaint and the Summons to the US Marshals on 07/25/2022 at 11:33 AM so why have I been waiting 50 Days and 50 Nights for the US Marshals to serve Verizon God’s Mail, NY FBI?

TimGolden — Medium

“40 Days and 40 Nights” in the Bible and Importance Today
It is evident that the time span of forty days and forty nights has importance in the Bible, being found 24 times

my mother worked for NY FBI
my mother said to me (in 2010), “tim!
give it to NY FBI”

then I heard God say, “son!
you’re gonna give it to NY FBI alright”

I arrived (30 minutes) early to my Social Security Disability hearing
(on Broadway) in Jericho.
A woman (who I had never met before) said, “Mr. Golden?”
I said, “yes.”
She said, “I’m your…

Dear NY FBI, did Verizon and Sedgwick Claims pay yet for their IME Moriarty’s report about me? This claimant is bizarre. He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass.

Verizon’s IME Moriarty wrote: This claimant is bizarre He was reading a Torah with a large magnifying glass.
There is a surveillance report: On July 18, 2011, the claimant drove to a medical building while carrying a stack of papers.

I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter on June 9, 2015 (duh!)

Dear NY FBI, I fed Trump’s EEOC God’s Mail on November 3, 2020 and then Trump’s EEOC choked:
Dear NY FBI, I fed Trump’s EEOC God’s Mail on November 27, 2020 and then Trump’s EEOC choked:

Attention: NY EEOC District Director Judy Keenan, NY EEOC supervisor Perry Canales called me on Dec 10, 2020 at 8:25 AM and hung up.
I called NY EEOC supervisor Perry Canales right back and left him a long message, summarizing my 2 written and signed…

NY EEOC reviews (as of 10/11/2021): “These people don’t help anybody” “Refused to talk to me or witnesses” “NY EEOC wasted my time”
chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail] and do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)] or else

Dear NY FBI, I fed Biden’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Biden’s EEOC choked:
NY EEOC sent me ANOTHER ‘no reasonable cause’ letter on 4/7/2022

Dear NY FBI, I fed Biden’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Biden’s EEOC choked:

NY EEOC sent me ANOTHER ‘no reasonable cause’ letter on 4/7/2022

I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked: p.s. “take a bite!”

NY EEOC sent me a ‘no reasonable cause’ letter (duh!)

NY EEOC never interviewed me (complainanT/Taxpayer)

NY EEOC never interviewed my witness (Dr. Lippe)

NY EEOC never interviewed my witness (CWA 1104)

NY EEOC never interviewed my witness (MetLife Disability)

NY EEOC never amended my disability discrimination complainT


I fed NY EEOC their own words

I fed NY EEOC God’s Words

I fed EEOC New York State Workers’ Compensation Board’s Return To Work Program Handbook for idiots (employers)

On November 2, 2009 the handle attached to my Verizon bucket truck broke causing me to fall off elevated platform and into road causing injuries to my back my neck my shoulder p.s. “take a bite!”

On July 6, 2011 Verizon paid $20 Million To Settle The Largest Workplace Disability Discrimination Lawsuit In History — EEOC found that Verizon failed to offer hundreds of injured/ill workers reasonable accommodations

On March 28, 2013 NYS WCALJudge Robert Anderson wrote, “The claimant is classified as having a Permanent Partial Disability (PPD). Claimant has an Associate Degree in Telecommunications. Claimant’s degree qualifies the claimant to do inside work and outside work at Verizon with restrictions.

my terrestrial degree p.s. “take a bite!”

my Next Step Program certificate p.s. “take a bite!”

On May 28, 2013 NYS WCB chair Beloten wrote, “Insurance carriers are reminded of their obligation to offer a Section 32 Agreement to settle compensation and other benefits due to the claimant within 6 months of a PPD classification.


why have I, claimanT, been waiting 6 years for Verizon’s carrier, Sedgwick Claims, to offer me my NYS Workers’ Compensation Section 32 agreement? p.s. “take a bite!”

[cock-a-doodle do!o] [cock-a-doodle do!o]
_________________[cock-a-doodle do!o] [cock-a-doodle do!o]
U.S. Department of Justice,
wakie wakie and grab your Google (your reel!)

On July 17, 2014 Verizon/CWA Third Party IME Dr. Aprin wrote, “The claimant could have returned to work with restrictions”

On July 28, 2014 Verizon told MetLife, “Verizon could not accommodate Mr. Golden’s work restrictions”

On May 22, 2015 Orlin & Cohen wrote, “Mr. Golden is being treated under Dr. Lippe’s care for injuries sustained due to his employment with Verizon. This letter is to serve as confirmation, that under no circumstance has Verizon had any discussion with Dr. Robert Lippe, or any staff member, regarding Mr. Timothy Golden’s ability to return to work at a different capacity.”

On May 15, 2015 EEOC gave me Verizon’s attorney’s response (to my workplace disability discrimination complaint): a review of the facts demonstrates that it is Mr. Golden’s own conduct that caused a breakdown of the mandatory ADA interactive process, not Verizon’s.

On May 28, 2015 I fed EEOC more information and more evidence: The court found that “regardless of how the company’s rigorous process was supposed to work — there was little or no effort to come up with any sort of accommodation that would allow the employee to return to work.”

On June 9, 2015 EEOC investigator Roxanne Zygmund and EEOC District Director Kevin J. Berry signed off on and mailed me one of EEOC’s ‘no reasonable cause’ letters

I fed NY EEOC 10 faxes p.s. “take a bite!”

I fed NY EEOC 7 USPS green cards p.s. “take a bite!”

On 7/10/2015 I filed a written complainT with EEOC Director OFM; who taped a note to my USPS green card?

As of 8/16/2019 EEOC Director OFM has never written ‘me back’

On May 24, 2016 MetLife Disability unit leader Kathleen D. Pencz wrote, “MetLife has reached out to Verizon [many times] to inquire as to whether Verizon was able to accommodate your return to work with restrictions. No subsequent communications were ever received from Verizon.

NY EEOC never interviewed me [HE HE HE]

NY EEOC never interviewed my wiTness (Dr. Lippe)

NY EEOC never interviewed my wiTness (CWA union 1104)

NY EEOC never interviewed my wiTness (MetLife Disability)

in other words

Obama’s EEOC signed off on 587,032 ‘no reasonable cause’ letters (from 2009–2017); I got ONE!

OBAMA: there’s going to be somebody who is going to stand up
for you and your family. And I want to let all of you know that

Title VII enforcement by EEOC had been feeble for(e!) 50 years
due to under-staffing by President(s) + OMB + Congress (duh!)

Q: is under-staffing EEOC pro-girl power or anti-girl power?

Q: are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] civil rights champs or chumps?

Q: aren’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] 3 stooges?

iF y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] are 3 stooges then aren’t y’all 3 dinosaurs?


Debtgate: why are we $20 trillion in debt
if we’ve given y’all $40 trillion in tax revenue to manage since 2000?


Heightgate: if Obama is 6' 1/2" then Trump is 6' 1/2"
Dear White House, should SNL bring up Trump’s shrinkage?


OSHAgate: if 4500 Americans were killed on-the-job (in 2017) then why are y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] under-staffing OSHA?
if God created OSHA to eradicate workplace hazards and fatalities then
why have y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] under-staffed OSHA?


SCOTUS! do you see any men of God on The Commission?


EEOC Budget and Staffing History 1980 to Present



History of EEOC (1965 — T imGolden)

Sworn in on 2 June 1965, and with one month to start the historic
civil rights law enforcement agency from scratch, Roosevelt excused himself
for(e!) a week of yachting. Two months later,
“when Congress was considering the next fiscal year’s budget
for(e!) the EEOC, Roosevelt was off sailing again,”


Thirty days before Enforcement Day, the EEOC had
no leadership, no staff, and no office.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has stated that
“[o]n the date Title VII became effective, EEOC had only
a skeletal organization and staff and no operational procedures.”


EEOC’s budget for fiscal year 1966 was $2.75 million; negotiated while
EEOC chairman Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. was off (not golfing) yachting
(putting [gimme] [gimme] [gimme] EEOC below the Office of Coal Research


“If we don’t deliver then the EEOC is just a shell and a sham.’’ — EEOC chairman Clarence Thomas



U.S. Department of Justice,
Q: did EEOC Chairman Clarence Thomas ever rectify Ms. Bruner’s demotion?


TimboGolden Jan 1, 2016



Clinton’s EEOC vs Bush’s EEOC vs Obama’s EEOC vs Trump’s EEOC

Thanks for your order! We’ve sent a receipt to

A: The EEOC also is not a high priority of President Clinton.
While he (Clinton) has proposed raising the agency’s budget
to $268 million next year,
1) he didn’t get a chairman installed for nearly 21 months
2) he waited two full years before nominating a new prosecutor
for the commission (the EEOC).
Trust but Verify


Q: did not EEOC chairman Gilbert Casellas say
1) he has not met privately with President Clinton
since his confirmation (16 months ago)
2) the White House has not returned his telephone calls.
3) “Nobody gives a crap about us,” Ca\sellas said.
(google it! vs duckduckgo it! vs yahoo! it vs aol it! vs bing it! vs wing it?)
Trust but Verify


Obama Promises Change For America
“On Nov. 4, we must stand up and say: Eight is enough.”
— U.S. Senator Barack Obama, DNC
August 28, 2008


1) From 2001 to 2008,
EEOC lost 25% of its workforce and 271 front line investigators
— Gabriel le Martin, President of the National Council of EEOC Locals
November 19, 2009

2) Barack Obama and Joe Biden will fully fund and increase staffing for EEOC

3) EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)
U.S. Department of Justice,
Fact: 50 million more Americans are working in 2016 than in 1982
Fact: In 1982, U.S. population was 231 million
Fact: in 2016, U.S. population was 322 million
Fact: in 1982, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 3,700
Fact: In 2016, Congress approved EEOC staffing for 2,250 ?
Fact: EEOC receives 100,000 complainTs/yr
Fact: EEOC employs only 666 investigators
Fact: 666 EEOC investigators can’t investigate “in good faith”
100,000 complainTs/yr
Q: how many investigators would it take to investigate “in good faith”
100,000 complainTs/yr?
A: 50 states * 100 investigators/state = 5000 EEOC investigators (duh!)
Trust but Verify

page 30 Chart 2 666 EEOC investigators assigned

FRAUD! FRAUD! FRAUD! on y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress]












NCD’s findings reveal that while each [Republican or Democratic] Administration has asserted its support for US with disabilities,

EEOC has been chronically ‘under-funded and under-staffed’ (duh!)


Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed. I won’t fail.” — Trump
EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

If it is the end of the quarter, or the end of the fiscal year,
EEOC offices dump cases. — Gabriel le Martin

U.S. Department of Justice,
According to Rachel Shonfield, AFGE Local 3599, the EEOC staffed
the Las Vegas EEOC office with only 7 employees
Q: did the EEOC set up the Las Vegas EEOC office to fail?
Q: did y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] set up the EEOC to fail?
Trust but Verify

GAO Report on EEOC
September 2008

New staff, hired early in the year, rather than starving the employees
until it is too late in the year to do anything but dump cases,
— Gabriel le Martin, Council President
September/ October 2009
Trust but Verify

President’s Viewpoint:
Meeting Challenges In The New Year
Challenge to New Chair

there should be no EEOC case dumping
— Newt Gingrich
March 3, 1998
Trust but Verify


Cases are closed even though questions remain
If it is the end of the quarter, or the end of the fiscal year,
EEOC offices dump cases.
There is no other way to describe what happens
— Gabriel le Martin, Council President
February 2004
Trust but Verify


“EEOC is kicking off its 45th anniversary celebration.
This anniversary comes at a time when too many discrimination claims are
1) buried in the backlog
2) dumped in order to help EEOC’s year end statistics,”
says Gabriel le Martin, president of the National Council of EEOC Locals,
216, AFGE/AFL-CIO (“the Council”), which represents the agency’s workers.
dumped cases (?) = FRAUD
In law,
FRAUD is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain,
or to
deprive a vicTim of a legal right.
Trust but Verify

The call center comes at a great cost to you (Taxpayers! who are also complainanTs) -
1) $4.9M
2) the cost of no new permanent staff,
3) the cost of getting rid of long term employees whose retirement benefits cost a lot of money,
4(e!) the cost of dumping cases
dumped cases (?) = FRAUD
In law,
FRAUD is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain,
or to
deprive a vicTim of a legal right.
Trust but Verify


what is EEOC doing to tackle the backlog? “Worse than nothing,”
says Martin.
The Union has filed unfair labor complaints in each of EEOC’s 53 offices,
charging that the agency mandated quotas of cases
each employee had to shut down (close) (dump) before the end of FY10.
Martin states, “The EEOC panicked before the 4th quarter, ratcheting up
the case dumping requirements

to try to improve the dismal year-end statistics that must be reported to Congress.
Neither the public or EEOC workers should have to suffer
because of this poor solution to the backlog.”
dumped cases (?) = FRAUD
In law,
FRAUD is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain,
or to
deprive a vicTim of a legal right.
Trust but Verify

thank you Gabriel le Martin for ‘blowing the whistle’ in 2010
thank you Google for helping her ‘blow the whistle’ (again) in 2016



Apr 29, 2016


Q: where’s NOW? (DuckDuckGo vs Google)

“let’s get ready to grumble!”



Q: where’s ?
In 1974, Nixon left Office with 2416 EEOC employees
In 2017, Obama left Office with 2082 EEOC employees (duh!)


EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden)

(unethical) presidents can cut regulatory efforts they disapprove of
(e.g. EEOC) and give a boost to those they favor (e.g. Pentagon)?

Q: is the federal budget process undemocratic?
A: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! yea! да! יא yo نعم فعلا nem fielaan
Fact: The OMB review process involves only career staff, top political appointees (PADs), the OMB director, and the president
Fact: OMB hearings are not open to the public
Fact: OMB calls no witnesses
Fact: OMB does not publish a formal report of the proceedings
Q: should not God be heard?
A: si! oui! vai! hai! haan! jee! ja! yea! да! יא yo نعم فعلا nem fielaan
Q: what happens when God is not heard?

A: didn’t God give me 3 dinosaurs [President(s) + OMB + Congress] to play with?

in other words


Q: aren’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] 3 dinosaurs?

in other words

golden calf (tunc)


golden calf (nunc)


Q1: how much have y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] sunk

into 1 warship (since 2009)?

A1: $13 billion


Q2: how much have y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] invested

in EEOC (since 1965) to eradicate workplace harassment and discrimination?

A2: $10 billion


Q3: do y’all [Republican Party + Democratic Party] worship G-D?

A3: nyet!


doesn’t it seem like the 3 branches of goivernment are waiting
to embarrass the haughty and the naughty?

Dear ABA, if 51% of Touro Law Center students failed the July bar exam
then why are 8 non-attorneys (Goivernor Cuomo appointed) examining and rescinding NYS WCALjudges’ decisions?


Do all Americans know about EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden), NY FBI, or are all Americans as clueless as my cat?


Dear Justice Ginsburg, is not Trump + Con gress under-staffing EEOC unconstitutional and unethical and anti-woman?
Dear Justice Ginzzzburg, is not [Trump + OMB + Con gress] taking 2 years to appoint 3 EEOC commissioners and an EEOC general counsel unconstitutional and unethical and anti-woman and anti-laborer and anti-CHRIST?


Q: are y’all [Executive Branch and Legislative Branch] dead+wood?



Q: if we are all God’s Light bulbs then “isn’t it Time for(e!) y’all to be replaced?
Q: aren’t y’all [President(s) + OMB + Congress] the world’s worst money managers?








“Cease to do evil — learn to do well” is cut in deep letters on the front of the Richmond Penitentiary, South Circular Road, Dublin











sip! sip! [drink God’s T orah]




chew! chew! [eat God’s Mail]


do! do! [exorcise (right wrongs)]

or else

Timothy Golden 9 years ago

bro(t)her! don’t ever be afraid to(o) deliver God’s Mail, right NY FBI?



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